Chapter 32

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Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the chapter.

*End of October*

Chapter 32 Clara's POV

It was halloween and Lily was going to a schools party. Danny and I were going to take her, but Michelle offered instead. I did want to take her, but she insisted.

Lily was going as a witch, like most other four year old girls. We found her a costume that she loved, and she hasn't taken it off for the past week. The party was due to start at 6, and it was 5 now so I needed to get Lily ready. "Lils, will you come and get ready please," I called down to her. "Coming!" I heard her little voice call back before hearing her little feet run up the stairs.

She came into my room where I had her dress laid out on my bed. She got changed, and I put a little bit of makeup on her before brushing her hair and tying it back. I walked downstairs with her and we went to show Danny her finished look. "Daddy, look at me," she said twirling around the kitchen. "Wow! What have you done to my beautiful daughter?" He joked catching her in his arms. "Nothing, I'm still here silly," she said laughing. Just then the doorbell rang and I went to open it. Michelle stood with Jake who was dressed in a pirate costume. "Wow, don't you look great Jake," I said before calling for Lily. Her and Danny arrived moments later, Lily with everything ready to go. She hugged Danny goodbye and did the same to me. "You have fun, ok? Michelle will drop you home later on," I said as she walked out the door.

2 hours later Michelle dropped Lily home. She didn't stop raving about how good the party was and how she wished Danny and I would have been there. "We will go next year, I promise," I said to her. She was happy with that and then went upstairs with Danny to have a bath and get ready for bed.

*The Monday after*

I sighed as my alarm went off that morning, which meant back to work. I rolled over and switched it off and got out of bed before going round to Danny's side and waking him up. "Come on you, time for work," I said sleepily. He stirred in his sleep and I kept tapping his shoulder until he was fully awake. I went into Lily's room and woke her up before sending her downstairs for breakfast.

I had a quick shower before getting dressed, putting on makeup, and brushing my hair. I called Lily up to get ready, and while I was getting her ready, Danny was having a shower. I took Lily downstairs to brush her hair and picked up her lunch and put it in her bag before placing it at the front door so she didn't forget it.

Michelle rang the doorbell not long after and was ready to pick up Lily. "I'll see you at six Lils," I said before she left. She nodded and gave Danny and I one last hug before running out the house with Michelle and Jake. Danny and I grabbed our stuff and headed off to work.

I struggled through a long day teaching. It was incredibly frustrating when people didn't listen when you are trying to teach something that would help them in their later life. It was 4:30 and the kids went home an hour ago, but I was still stuck doing work. Realistically I could take it home to mark, but I didn't feel like it as I already had some at home that needed doing.

Danny came in a short while after asking how I was getting on. "Yeah, nearly done," I said. I paused and put the lid on my pen. "You know what? Sod it, in done for today," I said changing my mind. I stood up and grabbed my coat and bag and headed out the school with Danny.

Once back at home, I was instructed by Danny to take a nice, warm bath. I did as I was told and went upstairs to run the water. I sat in the bath and thought everything over. By the time I had got out the bath, I felt calm and relaxed. I got dressed and headed back downstairs. "Better?" Danny asked when he saw me. I smiled at him, "much," I confirmed.

Danny and I sat in the kitchen marking the work we had left to do. "You know, I'm not sure how much more time I can spend on this tonight," he said looking down at the maths papers sat in front of him. "I know what you mean," I said. He got up and kissed the top of my head before going to put the kettle on.

I looked at my timetable for tomorrow. "Urgh, I've got my first English tutoring lesson tomorrow," I said grumpily. Danny looked at me sympathetically. "It's not that bad, you get used to it after a while," he said. He has maths tutoring on Thursdays when I'm not at work. "I know, but I don't feel like I can face it," I said. "Clara Oswald-Pink. You can do anything, don't you forget that," he said to me. I smiled and went over to him. "I love you, you know that right?" I said hugging him. He looked down at me. "I've heard a few things," he began. "Oh shut up," I said to interrupt him.

I finished marking the one homework I was on, and Danny finished the test paper he was doing. I then started on making dinner for us as Lily was nearly home. Just as I had put the oven on, the doorbell rang. Danny answered it for me. He let Lily in and said bye to Michelle. Lily then came into the kitchen and told us about her day like she usually does. "It sounds like you've had a good day," I said putting the pasta on, and Lily nodded. "What did you enjoy most?" Danny asked. Lily thought for a moment. "Coming home to see you," she said. I smiled and hugged her. "That was my favourite part too," I whispered in her ear.


What did you think? I am sorry for the time skips as I need to keep the story moving. Thanks for reading.
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Erin :)

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