Chapter 15

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Thanks so much for reading. Going to skip to moving day. Hope you enjoy.

Chapter 15 Clara's POV

After a long and hard week at work, it was finally the weekend. Which meant two things. One, two free days until I was back at work, and two, we were moving into our new house this weekend.

We were up early on Saturday, moving our boxes into the removal van that had arrived. Lily was so excited, she wanted to get in the car and go straight away, but Danny kept telling her that she had to wait until we were done here.

We had a quick lunch before setting off to the new house to start unpacking. It was strange not being in the flat but nice at the same time. We let Lily play in the garden while we unpacked as much of the stuff as we could. My dad came to help with the furniture so we could have somewhere to sleep tonight, rather than just on cushions.

We had done the bedrooms, the kitchen and the living room all in one day. We were shattered. I put Lily to bed in the room next to ours and joined Danny on the sofa downstairs. I laid my head on his chest and he put his arm around me. "Good job today," I said to him. "You too, although you didn't do much," he said teasing me. "Hey, it's not my fault I'm not as strong as you are," I said sitting up and looking at him. "I know, you did well down here, don't worry," he said. I shook my head before lying back down and snuggling into him again.

The weekend flew by in my case, we worked on all the rooms in the house, although not all of them were finished yet. We had completely done the bedrooms, the kitchen, living room and bathrooms, but there were still other things to be done.

Before I knew it, it was Monday morning and I was back at work. I sighed, double year 12, double Courtney Woods. I woke Danny so he could have a shower while I woke Lily. "Come on princess, time for school baby," I said to wake her. She wouldn't wake. "Lily, wake up baby," I repeated. I was starting to panic. "Danny!" I screamed. Moments later he came running in. "She's not waking," I said tears streaming down my face.

Danny was doing CPR on Lily while I was calling an ambulance. He carried her downstairs and I quickly got changed and followed them down. Within minutes the ambulance was here. They carried her into the ambulance and I went with her, Danny saying he would go in the car.

At the hospital they took Lily into a room which I wasn't allowed to go in. I waited for Danny in the waiting room. 5 minutes after me he arrived. "I've rung school," he said, "they know we're not coming in. I've also contacted Lily's school and said she wouldn't be in." He opened his arms and I collapsed into them. "She'll be ok," he said trying to calm me.

Half an hour later the doctor came out. "We have stabilised her, she is breathing, but only just. We're not sure whether she's going to make it," the doctor said. "Can we see her?" Danny asked. "Of course," he said leading us into her room. "Lily," I gasped as I saw her. I went round to her side. "What happened to her?" Danny asked the nurse. "We don't know yet, we need to see if she comes round, I'm sorry," she said.

Danny and I spent the morning by Lily's side not wanting to leave her. We were just about to get something to eat when I felt her hand squeeze mine. "Danny wait," I said not letting go of her hand. "What?" he asked concerned. "Lily just squeezed my hand," I said. "Clara, you're just imagining it," he said pulling me away. Just as I was about to leave I heard a little voice coming from the room behind me. "Mummy," the voice said. I turned around to see Lily looking at me, her eyes barely opened. "Lily!" I gasped and ran over to her. Danny came back in, noticing I wasn't following him. "Lils?" he asked when he saw her. "Daddy," she said before drifting back to sleep.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I had a small problem with the fact that part of the chapter was deleted but I have redone it now, it was only a few sentences at the end. Thanks for reading. Please comment and vote.

Thanks Erin :)

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