Chapter 35

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Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the chapter.

Chapter 35 Clara's POV

Lily stayed at home with Michelle on Monday as she still wasn't back to her usual self. I did have to go into work, as we were already one teacher down, and we would have to wait for a replacement.

I was sitting at my desk before school started, marking a load of English books. My class came in but as soon as they saw me, they fell silent. The bell rang and I opened up the register and called their names. Once I was done, I walked to the other side of the desk and rested against it. "Right, I don't want you lot feeling sorry for me, I know Mr Pink was one of your favourite teachers, but you can't let it get to you so much. Life goes on, and, yes, we will miss him, but he would want us to carry on with our life, and not just sit and stare out of the window," I said and looked around the classroom at all their faces. They seemed happier, but not what they used to be.

It was then time for assembly. I dismissed the class and followed them to the hall. I stood to the side, letting the students pass, before sitting down next to Lauren who is the music teacher. Mr Armitage stood at the front of the hall, with deep sadness on his face. 'His sadness is nothing compared to mine,' I thought.

Once everyone was settled in the hall, he began speaking. "By now, I'm sure you've heard the rumours, and it is with great sadness that I must confirm them to be true," he started. I knew he was going to talk about Danny, so I sat looking down at the floor, avoiding everyone's eyes on me. "I have gathered you all here today to say that Mr Pink, that's Danny Pink, has sadly passed away," he continued. I had tears in my eyes, and I was trying not to let them fall. "I'm sure you will all join me in wishing his family and friends our sincerest condolences. Mr Pink was an inspiration to all that knew him. A solider, a teacher, a friend," he said. By this time, I could not control the tears leaving my eyes, so I had to leave the room. I stood up and walked out the door, but stood outside to hear what he had to say. "It was no secret that he had a close relationship with Miss Oswald, and our thoughts and prayers are with her too," he finished. As soon as I heard this, I headed straight to my office so I could calm down slightly.

I was just about to go to the staff room to get a coffee when there was a knock at the door. "Come in," I called from my desk. I turned round to see Lauren and the head standing at the door. "Listen, Clara, why don't you just go home? I know you feel like you need to be here, but you are also needed at home. Go on, we have plenty of teachers for cover. I don't want to see you back here this week, understood?" he said I smiled and went to speak. "I'm fine, thanks for offering, but I'm fine," I said adamantly. "Clara, go home," Lauren insisted. I sighed and nodded. "Thanks. Who's covering my year 11 lesson next?" I asked them. Lauren smiled, "I am, which is why I'm here," she said. I smiled and gave her the work for the year 11s to do, and said I would email the other teachers my lesson plan.

I got to the car and sat down on the front seat. I searched in my bag for my phone so I could call Michelle. "Hello?" she asked picking it up. "Hi Michelle," I said. "Hi Clara, how are you?" she asked. I sighed, "I'm ok, getting through it. How's Lily?" I asked slowly. "She's lying on the sofa watching a film. She hasn't done much today," she said. "I've been sent home by the head, so I can come and pick her up if you like. I'm also not allowed back in for the rest of the week, so I can stay with Lily if she doesn't go in," I said. We agreed that I would look after Lily this week, and I hung up saying I'd be over soon.

When I arrived, Lily was still on the sofa. "Hey baby," I said going to see her. "Hi mummy," she said. I pulled her into my arms and gave her a big hug. "How are you?" I asked her. She smiled, "I miss daddy," she said. I smiled and hugged her again. "I miss him too darling," I said. I had a quick drink with Michelle, and a cuddle with Ella who was now getting very big, before taking Lily home.

At home I decided I would tell Lily about the baby as I hoped it would cheer her up. "Lily? Can mummy talk to you for a minute?" I said to her. She sat up on the sofa and I sat on the chair opposite her. "I love you, ok, and nothing is going to change that," I said at first. "Lily, would you like to have a little brother or sister?" I asked her and she nodded excitedly. "Lils, mummy's having a baby," I said. Her face lit up with excitement and I could tell she was happy. "Can I see it?" she asked me. I laughed a little, "Lily, the baby's in mummy's tummy," I said softly. She came over and put her hand on my tummy. "Hi baby," she said copying me. I smiled and lifted her onto my lap. "Now, do you want a brother or a sister?" I asked her. She thought long and hard - I could tell this was a tough decision for her. "A brother and a sister," she said. I smiled sadly. "If you could only have one, which one would it be?" I said knowing it was very unlikely that I would be pregnant with twins. "A sister," she confirmed. I smiled, "Good choice Lils," I said and hugged her. Lily and I spent the rest of the day watching films, Lily fell asleep through one of them which gave me time to sort things around the house.

It was about 6 o'clock when Lily came to me and said she was tired. I thought nothing of it and took her upstairs to bed. As she climbed into bed, she gave me a kiss goodnight then hugged my middle and kissed my tummy. "Goodnight mummy, goodnight baby," she said and laid down. "Goodnight Lils," I said and closed the door behind me as I left.

I texted Michelle to let her know I was still ok to look after the kids on Saturday. I didn't want everything in my life to stop, and I had to keep busy. I booked an appointment with the hospital for Thursday so Lily could come with me if she wanted. I wasn't sure I would tell anyone yet as I wanted to keep it between us for as long as I could.


What did you think? There is a chance that I will get another chapter up today, as I am at home in bed. But I will try. Thanks for reading. Sorry this chapter was quite boring, I needed to include it. Hopefully I will speed things up so they get more exciting. Thanks for reading.
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Erin :)

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