Chapter 6

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Thanks for reading. Don't have much to say, but yeah, enjoy!

Chapter 6 Clara's POV

I ran into the hospital, tears streaming down my face. "Hello, can I help you?" the receptionist asked. "Yes, I'm looking for Danny Pink," I said urgently, wiping the tears from my face. "Ok, I'm going to need a name, we can't just let anyone in," she said. "Oh, um, yes. Clara Oswald, I'm his fiancée," I said nervously. "Miss Oswald? We have been meaning to contact you. Mr Pink has been asking to see you," she said. "Asking to see me? I thought he was critically injured," I said. "Oh no, we were unsure of how serious his injuries were at first, which is why we said critically injured. I guess you heard this on the news?" she said. I nodded in reply. "Can I see him now?" I asked desperately. "Of course, right this way," she said and lead me to Danny's room.

I followed the receptionist to Danny's room. "You can go straight in," she said. "Thanks," I replied and entered the room. I saw Danny lying in the hospital bed. "Oh, Danny," I said walking over to his side. "Hey, you came," he said weakly. "Of course I did you idiot. I love you," I said. I looked down at him. "What happened?" I asked concerned. "Um, I don't know," he said. I looked down at him worriedly and stroked his face. "You just focus on getting better, hey? What did you do anyway?" I asked looking at him. "Well, the said I had several burns on my chest and back, and small burns on my legs," he said, looking ashamed. "Danny, you don't need to be ashamed. You couldn't help this," I said.

I sat with Danny for the rest of the night, not wanting to leave his side. "Clara, you need to go home, get some rest," Danny said as it reached 11 o'clock. "No, no, I'm not leaving you," I said, taking hold of his hand. "Clara..." he started. "Ok, ok, but i'l be back first thing tomorrow to check on you," I admitted. I stood up and kissed Danny. "I love you," I said. He replied, "I love you too."

Reluctantly, I left Danny. I had a spare set of keys to Danny's house so I decided to see what was left. As I parked up outside, I saw the damage to his house. "Oh, Danny," I sighed as j got out the car. I unlocked the door and saw the damage inside. I picked up everything that wasn't damaged. There were lots of pictures of the two of us, most of them I managed to save, I picked up our favourite DVDs, some CDs and then went upstairs. Most of the upstairs was undamaged. I went into his bedroom and grabbed as much of his clothes and shoes as I could carry. I took them out to my car and grabbed all the last remaining items.

The next morning I returned to the hospital. I walked straight to Danny's room as I knew where he was now. I knocked on the door and heard a faint come in from inside the room. "Hey Danny boy, how are you feeling?" I asked. "Better now you're here thanks," he replied. "Stop with the cheesiness Mr Pink," I joked, I continued, "Anyway, I thought you would like to see these." I reached into my bag and pulled out the photos I got yesterday. "But, how did you get them?" he stuttered. "I went over to yours yesterday. These were all I could get," I admitted. "Clara, these are perfect. Thank you so much," he said. I smiled and sat on the edge of his bed and started looking through them, remembering the happy memories.

We spent the morning looking through the photos and at around 1 I went to get a coffee and something to eat. By the time I got back, the police had come to see Danny. I knocked on the door and entered. "I'm sorry, Miss, but this is a closed investigation," the policeman said. "No, wait, she's my fiancée," Danny said stopping me from leaving. The policeman allowed me to stay and I took my place at Danny's side. "As we were saying Mr Pink, the fire was started by..."


Hope you enjoyed it. I'm back to school tomorrow so the updates will get less frequent - sorry!

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Erin :)

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