Chapter 38

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Thanks for reading and thank you for your wonderful comments. Sorry, I have to time skip again, but if I didn't nothing would happen, and it would be very boring.

Chapter 38 Clara's POV

*1 week later*

It was Christmas Eve and Lily was getting very excited. "Mummy, can we go to grandma's now?" She asked me at 5 o'clock this morning. I rolled over and checked the time. "No Lily, it's too early. Go back to bed," I said sleepily. "But I don't want to," she wined. I sighed, "Lily, it's not too late for Santa to not give you any presents," I warned her. She sighed and went back into her room. I rolled over and tried to get back to sleep.

I woke again at 10, and wondered why Lily hadn't come in again to wake me. I got out of bed and put my dressing gown on before creeping into Lily's room. I opened the door slightly and peered inside. I could see Lily fast asleep on her bed, clutching her teddy. I smiled, and deciding not to wake her, I went downstairs.

I made myself some breakfast and a hot chocolate. Once I was done, Lily came downstairs. "Morning sleepyhead," I joked. "Not funny mummy," she said. She walked over and gave me a hug. "Hello sister," she whispered to my tummy. As if on cue, my daughter started kicking. I gasped in pain and Lily let go of me quickly. "Don't worry, darling, your sister was only saying hello," I said pulling her back into a hug. "Do you want some breakfast?" I asked her. She asked for a chocolate croissant, and as it was christmas, I allowed her to have one.

While she was eating, I went upstairs to have a shower. I tried to be as quick as I could knowing Lily would also need to get ready. By the time I came out of the shower, Lily was waiting in my room. "Your clothes are on your bed, sweetie, bring them in here if you want," I said to her, and she disappeared.

Lily rushed back in, her arms full of the clothes I laid out for her. "Do I have to wear this mummy?" she asked me. I turned around to face her before lifting her up onto my bed. "Yes, because all your other nice clothes have been packed in your bag," I explained. She sighed heavily. "Lily, remember what I said this morning," I said to her. She remembered before reluctantly getting ready. I dried my hair, straightened it, and put my makeup on before starting on Lily's hair. "This needs a wash tonight," I said to her. She turned and looked at me. "Why?" she asked. I smiled and continued brushing her hair. "Don't you want nice hair for the pictures?" I asked. She laughed, "Yes, but I don't want my hair washed," she said. I gave up arguing with her, and told her that she needed it washed otherwise there would be no presents tomorrow.

We managed to leave on time, I made sure I had packed everything I needed. All the presents were already at mums, so I didn't need to worry about getting them there. "Lily?" I asked her. I could see her looking at me through the rear-view mirror. "Yes mummy?" she replied. "Do you remember Auntie Natasha?" I asked her. She nodded slightly. "I think so," she said. I smiled, "Do you remember uncle David?" I asked. But this time she shook her head. "Well, Auntie Natasha is my cousin, and Uncle David is her husband. They've just had a little girl called Eliza," I said. I stopped at the traffic lights long enough for me to turn around and see her reaction. "Can I see her?" Lily asked. She loves other children, so I knew she would be pretty excited. I laughed, "Of course, Natasha and David are staying at grandma's for christmas," I said.

When we arrived, Lily ran up to the door and tried to reach the doorbell. I watched from the car and laughed. "Just knock on the door, Lils," I called and she knocked as hard as she could. My mum opened the door just as I arrived with our bags. "Hello Lily," she said picking her up. "Hi grandma," Lily replied. "Hello Clara, how are you?" mum asked me. I smiled, "Good thanks, and you?" I answered before walking inside and closing the door.

I dumped our bags in the hall before going in to see everyone. I walked into the living room to see dad, Natasha, David and baby Eliza. "Hi everyone," I said with Lily cowering behind me. "Hi Clara, Lily," they chorused. I pulled Lily out from behind me and sat her down on my lap. "Lily? Do you want to meet someone special?" I whispered to her. She nodded and looked up. I stood up with her and we walked over to where Eliza was sleeping in her cot. "This is baby Eliza," I said. Natasha picked her up and passed her to me so I could introduce her to Lily. "Hiya baby," Lily whispered. "Her name's Eliza, lils," I said. "Hello Eliza," she corrected herself. "Mummy, can I hold her?" she asked me. I looked to Natasha who nodded. "Go and sit with auntie Natasha then," I said and she did as she was told. Lily spoke to Eliza for about five-ten minutes before she woke up crying, which in turn scared Lily. I knew that this would be an interesting christmas.


What did you think? I know it's not really christmas anymore, but I needed to write this chapter, so I hope you don't mind. It will actually be christmas in the next chapter, so don't worry! Hope you enjoyed it, and thanks for reading.
Please comment and vote.

Erin :)

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