Chapter 11

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Thanks to everyone who is reading this story. I want to write something people will enjoy so if you have any suggestions, I would love to hear them.

Chapter 11 Clara's POV

Danny had a meeting tonight after school so I said I would go home but pick him up when he is done, considering we both came in the same car. I got home at 5:30, and prepared dinner so I could just put it in the oven when Danny got back. I got a text from him at 6 saying he was ready for me to come and get him, so I quickly crabbed my keys and back and drove to get him. On my way I saw around 3 police cars and 2 ambulances all going the same way, one after another, which I thought was rather odd as this never normally happens round us.

I picked Danny up and drove back home, telling him of the emergency services I saw go by. "I'm sure it's nothing Clara, don't worry," he said. "I know, but I can't help but worry," I said. "Listen, there are hundreds of people that live here, what are the chances that they would be related to us," he said. I knew he was right but I felt different. I felt like a mother who's worried for her child. I'd never felt like this before.

I tried to shake off the bad feelings so I could concentrate on Danny. "What's for dinner, love?" He asked when we got home. "We're having shepherds pie," I said, bringing it out of the oven. "Smells good," he said getting the cutlery from the draws and putting them on the table. Just as we had sat down to eat, the phone rang, meaning someone wanted to see us. I stood up and went to see who it was. "Hello?" I answered. "Hello, is that Miss Oswald?" the visitor asked. "Yes, who's this?" I replied. "It's the police, can we come up and talk please," they said. My heart stopped, "Yeah, sure," I managed to say. Within seconds Danny was at my side. "Who was it?" he asked but I didn't reply. "Clara, who's coming up?" he asked again. "T-The Police," I said.

Danny looked shocked. "Ok, Clara go and sit down," he said guiding me to the sofa. Just as I sat down, there was a knock on the door. I began standing up but Danny stopped me. "I'll get it," he said. "We're here to speak to miss Oswald," I heard the policeman say. "Of course, right this way," Danny said leading them into the sitting room. Danny sat down next to me and put his arm around me to support me.

"Right, this isn't going to be easy on you Miss Oswald, but I am afraid that your friend Sarah Wilson was murdered this afternoon. Her husband was the killer, so he is currently in custody. As you know, she has a daughter, and this is why we have come to you. Obviously, we cannot give her to Sarah's husband, which is what it says in her will, but we have spoken to Lily and she spoke of you. Can she be placed with you until further notice?" The policeman asked. I was shocked. I looked to Danny tears filling my eyes, "what do you think?" I asked him. The look in his face said it all. I nodded in agreement. "Of course," he replied, "We'll have her for as long as you need." I smiled and leaned back onto Danny. "Thanks, we'll bring her over in around half an hour," the policeman said.

Danny showed him out of the flat and came back into the living room. "How are you?" he asked me when he came back in. "Shocked," I said. I stood up and walked into Danny's arms. "It'll be ok," he said.

We finished our dinner before going into the spare bedroom and sorting something out for Lily. I gave my dad a call and asked if he still had any of my old bedding, to which he said yes and bought it over for us. He left without asking too many questions so we didn't have to explain much.

A few minutes later, the police arrived again but this time with Lily. As soon as she saw me she ran into my awaiting arms. "It's alright Lils, you're safe now," I whispered to her. "Thank you once again," the policeman said before leaving us alone.

Danny and I sat on the sofa with Lily in between us watching the TV. "Clara?" Lily asked. "Yes gorgeous," I replied. "Will you and Danny be my mummy and daddy now?" she asked me. I looked to Danny. "We don't know yet, but if you would like us to be, then we can," he said. Lily's face brightened up. I smiled, "What do you want to do Lily? You can stay here with us or you can go to another house and live there," I said. She thought about it. "Can I stay here with you?" she asked. I smiled, and so did Danny. "Of course you can," he said.

We put Lily to bed at 7:30 and had the rest of the evening to ourselves. "Listen Clara, this isn't my flat, but I don't know about you, but I don't think this place is big enough for the three of us," he said. "I know, I was thinking the same thing. Lily goes to school about half an hour from here, so it wouldn't be a bad idea if we moved closer to home, but we're closer to work here," I said. Danny thought for a moment. "I'm not working tomorrow, and I don't think it's a good idea for Lily to go in tomorrow, so maybe I should stay at home with her so she can get used to me a bit more," he said. I smiled, he was so sweet. "Aw, that sounds like a good plan," I said.

*The next day*

I was up early due to the fact I had work so I got ready before waking Lily up. I walked into the spare room and sat on her bed. "Lily," I said gently. "Time to get up." She slowly started to come round. "Lily, Danny is staying at home today, do you want to stay with him?" I asked. She nodded, "Clara?" she asked. "Yes princess," I replied. "I like Danny," she said. I smiled, "I like him too," I said, "Now, let's go and wake him up." Lily got out of bed and followed me into my room. I lifted her onto the bed so she could wake him up.

He awoke with a fright, making Lily giggle. "Ok, thanks Lily, I'm up now," he said glaring at me. "Oh, come on Danny it was fun," I said walking over to him and Lily. "Lily wants to stay at home with you today," I said. Danny smiled, "great, maybe if your good we can go to the park," he said. I shook my head and smiled. "I'm going to work now, but I will see you two later. Be good," I said kissing Lily then Danny. "I will," Lily said. I smiled, "I know you will be Lily, I was talking to Danny," I said, which made Lily giggle. "See you later," I said before walking out the door and driving to work.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I am at home recovering from an ear infection so I have a long time to write, so I will get at least one other chapter up today, maybe even two if I have the time.
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Erin :)

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