Chapter 18

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I am so sorry I haven't updated recently, I have been revising for my RS mock. But, hopefully I will get back on track as soon as I can. New rumours suggest that Jenna Coleman is not leaving Doctor who!!! I'm so excited to see what christmas has to offer! Anyway, I hope you enjoy the chapter!

Chapter 18 Clara's POV

*4 Months Later, it's now june, and a month until Clara and Danny's wedding*

I was taking my bridesmaids out to check the dresses still fit everyone. I had Michelle, my oldest friend, as my maid of honour, Natasha, my cousin, with Lily and Angie as my bridesmaids. We went into the dress shop and waited while they bought out our dresses. I originally want going to try my dress on, but everyone begged me to, so I had to. I went into the changing rooms and slipped my dress on and came out to show everyone. "You look like a princess mummy," Lily said. I smiled, "thank you baby," I said.

I watched as Angie and Lily stepped out from behind the curtain wearing the beautiful pale blue and white silk dresses I chose for them. "You look beautiful girls," I said smiling. Michelle and Natasha both fit into their dresses perfectly so I was one happy bride-to-be.

I decided to take everyone out for a drink afterwards. Due to the fact I had my 3 year old, and a 15 year old with me, we went to a cafe rather than a pub. We sat and chatted the afternoon away, and before I knew it, it was 5 o'clock. I said I would drop Angie home at half 5, and we were running slightly late. I texted George to let him know that we were only just leaving so we would be slightly later than planned.

I arrived home before Danny did. He was taking the boys to get their suits fitted. He left it a little late, but I didn't complain as I didn't want to ruin anything this close to the wedding. Lily and I cooked dinner, and then watched TV while waiting for Danny.

He arrived not long after, looking pretty exhausted. "Hi baby, how was it?" I asked him. "Tiring," he replied, "I'm shattered." I smiled at him. Lily ran over and gave him a hug. "Mummy's dress makes her look like a princess," she whispered, but I could just about hear it. "Mummy always looks like a princess, and so do you," he whispered back, winking at me.

A while later, the oven beeped signalling dinner was ready. I left Lily and Danny in the other room while I dished up. "So, Lils, are you excited for summer?" Danny asked her at dinner. She nodded her head with excitement. "Listen, you know daddy and I are getting married," I said, "well, after the wedding, daddy and I are going away for two weeks afterwards, but when we get back, we are going on holiday to America." Her face lit up. "Really?" she asked with excitement. "Yes, really," Danny said.

With the excitement of our holiday to America dying down, Lily was starting to get tired. I tucked her up in bed before going to join my fiancé on the sofa downstairs. "Did you have a successful day?" he asked me as I snuggled into him. "I did thank you. All the dresses fit," I said. Danny was flicking through the channels to find something that was worth watching. "Lily said you look like a princess," he said. "I know, she told me that when she saw me. I have to admit, she looked so beautiful too," I said, deflecting the subject off me. "Clara, I know what you're doing, so stop it. You are beautiful, and amazing, and it's about time you listened to people when they tell you," he said. I stayed quiet for a moment. "I love you Danny," I said eventually. "I love you too Clara," he replied.

Monday mornings were the worst. I hated that sluggish feeling when you just wished you didn't have to get up for work the next day, and you didn't have to teach for the whole morning. I managed to drag myself out of bed when my alarm went off, which is more than can be said for Danny. Once again, he didn't wake up and I literally had to force him out of bed, which he was not happy about.

The day seemed to drag on and on, and I just wanted to go home. I only worked a three day week, but it was still pretty exhausting, especially as I have a 3 year old daughter and a wedding to plan. Finally the last lesson of the day came, the downside, I was closer to year 7 parents evening. I was dreading it but the sooner it came, the sooner it would be over. Lily was going to my parents tonight, Linda would pick her up after school and we would collect her once we were done here.

"Ok, now, you need to finish reading this chapter and then I want you to answer the questions on the sheet that is coming round now," I said writing down the homework and passing the sheets out to the class. "When's it due?" I heard them ask. I checked my timetable. "Um, Friday," I said making a note of it. The bell rang and the students gathered up their belongings and scrambled out of the room.

I registered my form before telling them the notices and reminding them about tomorrow's events. As the bell rang, I dismissed them and picked up my books and bag before heading to the hall for parents evening. It was going to be a long evening.


Sorry I haven't updated, but anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Happy 1st December!!
Please comment and vote!

Erin :)

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