Chapter 1

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This is a new story I am writing. I love season 8 of Doctor Who and love Oswink! I want to read more Oswink fanfiction so if there are any you recommend please tell me. Thanks for reading and remember to vote and comment as it would be greatly appreciated. It starts 2 years later than the series just so you know.


Chapter 1 Clara's POV

"Ok, good work today class. Homework is to read pages 75-77 and answer the questions on page 78. Due for next lesson," I told my year 12 class. "Oh, but Miss, we don't get homework today, " Courtney Woods, aka disruptive influence, shouted out. "Courtney, I think you will find that you do get homework tonight," I said checking my timetable. She always tries to avoid homework.

It was nearing the end of term so all the kids were getting restless and are messing about more than they would normally - which makes us all stressed! I had finished the day with year 12 so I was just getting ready to go home. I still had some year 7 marking to do which I might as well finish before I head off. I never normally stay in school but with 5 books left to mark I may as well stay.

The final bell of the school day rang. All the kids came rushing out the classrooms and into the hallway. They stopped briefly at their lockers before heading outside and making their way home. "Ah, Miss Oswald," a familiar voice said as I finished marking the final book and setting it to one side. "Mr Pink, what a pleasant surprise," I replied standing up and walking over to him. "Well, I do work here as well," he joked. "Anyway, do you fancy going out for a meal tonight?" he asked coming into the classroom and sitting on a desk. "Hm, I've got no plans so I don't see why not," I said smiling. "Great, see you at 7. I'll pick you up," he replied. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. "Won't we get caught?" he asked. "Danny, it's a Friday, no kid wants to stay in school on a Friday!" I said before kissing him.

I left school at 4 and drove back home. I quickly made a cup of tea before going to get ready. I wasn't sure on what to wear - I had worn literally everything! I had decided on a simple black pencil dress which I wear on formal occasions. I got changed and realised it was 6 o'clock. I had an hour. I had just enough time to tame my hair and sort my make-up. I was ready at 10 to 7, which is actually quite good for me as I am normally running late.

With a few minutes to spare, I decided to sit down in the kitchen. I let my mind wonder. Suddenly, I heard the noise I hadn't heard for 2 years. The TARDIS.

"Clara, so good to see you," the Doctor said stepping out of the TARDIS. "It's been 2 years Doctor," I said standing up and facing him. "2 years? Are you sure? No, that can't be right, are you sure you've got the right date?" The Doctor asked. This was very typical of him. I thought that I was never going to see him again, I mean, I don't mind not seeing him again but it would have been nice for him to pop over every once in a while. "Yes, I'm sure. 2016, time flies when you're having fun," I said. "No, time doesn't fly Clara..." he started. "I know, I know," I said cutting him off. "What do you want anyway?" I asked. "To see the universe obviously," he replied. "I'm sorry, but now isn't the time, I've got to go. Maybe another time," I said picking up my bag. "Ok, go have fun with your boyfriend," the doctor said obviously very upset. "I'm sorry," I said before turning my back and walking out the door, locking it behind me.

What did you think? This is the first chapter and I hope you enjoyed it.
Please remember to rate and comment if you enjoyed it - I want to write something people will enjoy.

Thanks again
Erin :)

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