Chapter 48

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Chapter 48 Clara's POV

Lily was fantastic in her show, and I couldn't be more proud. Mum and dad went to collect Lily from the teachers, and Michelle went to collect Jake. I stood up and walked to the buggy where Ellie was sleeping. I reached in and lifted her out. I turned around slowly, as if I was going back to my seat, when I spotted someone I hadn't seen in a very long time. Mum and dad came back with Lily, so I put Ellie back in her buggy and congratulated Lily. I told mum and dad to take the kids to the car, and I would follow on shortly. Right now, I just wanted to talk.

By now, nearly everyone had left to go home. The one person I wanted to talk to was still here, I doubt he would leave. I walked over slowly and sat down in a chair next to him. "Hi," he said. Hearing his voice again made me want to tear up. "Hi," I replied. We sat there in silence. Waiting.

"Clara, I'm sorry," he said. I smiled and looked at him. "I know, it's not your fault, don't worry," I said. I was being very blunt as I had no idea who this person really was. I thought I knew who it was, but I didn't want to fall into a trap. "Clara, it's me, surely -" he said but I interrupted. "I don't know that it's you. I want it to be you, but I can never tell. Not properly," I said sadly, "Tell me one thing-" I started, but he cut me off this time. "One thing only Danny Pink would know?" he asked. I was surprised. "So, that was you," I said shocked. He nodded. "Yep. And as for one thing only I would know. You, Clara Oswald, are one of the greatest people I have ever met. You are the worlds best wife, and the worlds best mother. And I'm sure your husband or boyfriend is very good too. He is a lucky fella," Danny said sadly. I was confused. "I don't, I didn't get married again," I said making him more confused. "The baby?" he asked. I realised I never told him about my pregnancy when he was alive. "No, Danny, she's ours. I was going to tell you I was pregnant when you died. I'm so sorry," I said. He put his arms around me and hugged me. "What's her name?" he asked. I smiled, "Eleanor Amelia, but Ellie for short," I said.

I said goodbye and told him to come back home later today, and I didn't want the girls to see him yet as we had a lot of catching up to do, and I wondered if he wanted to get back together with me, after all, he may not want to.

I walked to the car quickly as I knew everyone would be waiting. I climbed in quickly and we drove back home. Mum and dad dropped me and the girls off before driving back home. I made Lily some lunch before settling Ellie down to feed her. "What are we doing now mummy?" Lily asked after we'd all had lunch. I smiled, "Well baby, do you want to go to the park?" I asked before checking my phone. "Actually, Michelle asked if you want to go over to Jakes. Do you want to go?" I asked her and she nodded, "Yes please," she replied. I smiled and told her to put her shoes and coat on while I sorted Ellie. I got the two of them in the car and drove to Michelle's. I dropped Lily off before heading back home with Ellie.

When we got back, I put Ellie upstairs for a sleep. I got my phone out and texted Danny to let him know I wanted him over now. Within 5 minutes, he was here.

I made us both drinks before we sat down to talk. "Where are the girls?" he asked. I smiled, "Lily's at Michelle's, and Ellie's asleep upstairs," I said. We sat in silence, unsure of what really to say. "How did you get back?" I asked him. He shrugged, "I guess people needed me more here, than they did up there," he said. I smiled at him, and he smiled back. I still didn't know if he was going to stay. "I understand that my life has changed a lot since you were last here, and if you didn't want to come back, I understand," I said sadly. "Clara, where are you getting these ideas from?" he asked me, moving a strand of hair behind my ear. "I just thought it would be too much for you and-" I said but I was cut off by him pressing his lips against mine. A few minutes later, we broke apart.

We sat and spoke about everything that has happened since the accident, before Ellie started crying. I walked upstairs, telling Danny I'd be back in a bit. I sorted Ellie out as quick as I could before walking back downstairs. "Do you want to hold your daughter?" I asked re-entering the room. He looked at me and smiled, "Of course. How old is she?" he asked. I laid Ellie in his arms, "She's one month," I said, "She was born two months premature though."

It was a lovely afternoon with the three of us, and we weren't sure about what to say to the others, because he would want his job back. Danny explained that people wouldn't remember he died, except for those who he wanted to remember. So we thought everything would go back to normal. We would keep Lily knowing as it was a big part of her life. I just couldn't wait for her to get home.


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Erin :)

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