Chapter 29

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I seriously cannot believe I am on chapter 29! I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has stuck with this story from the beginning and is voting and commenting. I would love to know what you guys think of the story so far, and if you have any suggestions I would also love to hear them. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!

Chapter 29 Clara's POV

*1 week later*

I heard Danny get up on the Thursday morning, and smiled to myself knowing I didn't have to go into work. I woke up anyway, seeing as I had to get Lily ready for school. She had only been back a few days, but she still loves it more than ever.

"Lily, time for school," I said going into her room. Her eyes fluttered open and she jumped out of bed. She ran downstairs to the kitchen, with me following as fast as I can. "I don't think I've met a child that likes school as much as Lily does," I said to Danny that morning. "Well, she doesn't do that much work yet, and she has us for parents, a maths teacher and an English teacher so we can help her with all her work," he said drinking his coffee. "I never thought about that! A maths teacher and and English teacher for parents what a poor child," I joked.

Moments later the doorbell rang and I went to open it. "Hi Michelle, come on in," I said as I opened the door to reveal Michelle, Jake, and Ella. "Lily!" I called to her as she wasn't downstairs. A few minutes had passed and she still wasn't here. "Lily, time to go," I called again. She came running down the stairs and Danny came to join us at the door. "Bye Lily," he said before kissing her goodbye. "Bye daddy," she said hugging him. "Bye Lily," I said to her. "Bye mummy," she said and I hugged her goodbye before watching her go.

"Right, I should go before people start wondering where I am," Danny said a few minutes later. I kissed him goodbye and watched as he drove off to work. I came back inside and went upstairs to have a shower. I got dressed, wearing jeans and a t-shirt,and headed downstairs. I had some marking that needed doing. I had set the year 10s coursework to do over the summer and now I had to mark it. I made myself a drink, before sitting down and going through their work.

Before I knew it, it was lunch time. I quickly made a sandwich before going back to my work. Lily wasn't going to be home until around 6, and I needed to get some shopping, so I abandoned my marking and headed out to the shops.

When I came back, I saw our post on the floor. I bent down and scooped it up and dumped it in the kitchen, expecting nothing important as per usual. It was only when I was going through it that I saw a letter addressed to me and Danny from the company we used to track Danny's parents. I didn't open it, instead I would wait until he got home.

I didn't have to wait that long as Danny was home earlier than expected. I left the letter on the kitchen table so he could see it when he came in. "Hi beautiful," he said coming in to the kitchen that I had just cleaned. "Hi handsome," I replied walking over to him. He wrapped his arms around me and I did the same to him. I smiled into his chest and sighed heavily. "What's the matter?" he asked pulling away slightly so he could see my face. "Nothing much. A letter arrived for us today," I said looking up into his eyes. "It's over on the kitchen table," I directed him.

Danny walked over to the kitchen table and picked up the letter. He looked at me and I smiled at him and nodded, letting him know he could open it. I watched in anticipation as he slowly tore open the envelope. I watched as he glanced over the letter, and smiled as I saw him smile. "What does it say?" I asked him. "Come and see," he replied with a tear in his eye. I walked over to him slowly and stood in front of him with the letter in front of me. I glanced through the letter and smiled. "Oh Danny! That's wonderful!" I said. I turned around and hugged him. "I'm so happy for you," I said. Danny smiled, "She wants to see me!" he said in disbelief. "I know, that's wonderful! Really wonderful," I said, "When are you going to go?" He thought for a moment. "I'm not sure. Will you come with me though?" he asked. I smiled and looked up at him. "Of course. I love you," I said. He smiled down at me. "I love you too," he replied.

I put dinner on a few hours later. We were only having sausage and mash so it wasn't that much work. Moments after I had put the sausages in the oven, the doorbell rang. "I'll get it," Danny said as I began to walk to the door. "Daddy!" I heard Lily say as she ran to Danny. "Hi Lils," he said. We let Michelle and the kids in and I put the kettle on. Michelle passed Ella to me so Danny was left to sort the drinks.

We went into the living room and sat and talked about everything. Michelle was saying that Ella was beginning to crawl. We placed her on the floor but she didn't want to move, instead she just collapsed onto her tummy. "Ella!" we said when she did it. Danny came in with the drinks and sat on the sofa to watch. We tried her again and this time she stayed up and began crawling over to me. I caught her in my arms when she reached me. "You only want to crawl for Danny and not for me? Ella you are a cheeky monkey!" I said. I stood up before picking her up and swinging her round the room. Ella was giggling uncontrollably.

Half an hour later Michelle decided it was time to get the kids home. We said goodbye to them before I went to finish the dinner. We ate our meal before deciding it was time to tell Lily about Danny's parents. "Lily, come and sit in the living room with us for a minute," I said and lead them into the other room.

"Are you going to get rid of me?" she asked innocently. "No baby, we love you. We could never get rid of you darling," I said to her. "You don't need to get upset over this, its happy not sad," Danny said smiling. I took Danny's hand and began the story. "When daddy was a little boy, his mummy and daddy couldn't look after him. So, they put him in a children's home to be looked after. But, now that daddy's all grown up he wants to see them again. He wants to tell his mummy and daddy about me and about you because he hasn't seen them since he was a little boy," I said. Lily started smiling. "Can I see them too?" she asked. Danny laughed, "Of course you can. How about you and mummy come with me when I see them?" he said. I smiled and looked at Lily. "Yes please. Mummy, will you come too?" she asked looking to me. "Of course baby," I said. "But, right now, it's bed time for you Lily," I added. Lily sighed and followed me upstairs to bed.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter, there was a lot of information in there. I know we don't know much about Danny's parents but I wanted to include it. Also, series 9 of Doctor who begins filming today!
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Erin :)

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