Chapter 37

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Chapter 37 Clara's POV

*Next month*
It was nearing christmas now. 16th December to be exact. Lily had finished school, and I had finished work, so we spent a lot of time together. Michelle and I have planned to take the kids to see Disney on ice later this afternoon. We have kept it a surprise from them as it's kind of an early Christmas present.

I was waiting for Lily to wake up as she was less grumpy that way, so I did a little bit of housework to keep me busy. In the end, I had to wake her up because she hadn't had breakfast and it was nearly lunch time. "Lily," I said when I went into her room. "Time to get up now, darling," I said waking her. She stirred in her sleep before properly waking up. "Hello gorgeous," I said moving the hair from her eyes. "Hi mummy," she said smiling. I lead her downstairs to the kitchen and got round to making her breakfast.

After breakfast, Lily went to watch a TV while I got ready. I hopped in the shower, but didn't wash my hair as I didn't need to. I looked down at my baby bump and placed my hand over it protectively. I had a slight baby bump now, and people would begin to notice. Lily and I have decided to tell my family on christmas. Between now and then I would have another scan and give them a picture each in their christmas card.

Once I came out of the shower, I got dressed, and dried my hair, before putting some make-up on. I was wearing something niceish, nothing too posh. I called Lily upstairs so I could give her a quick bath and get her ready. She was wearing a jumper dress with leggings, something that she wears very often. "How do you want your hair?" I asked her. She thought for a minute. "Like Elsa's," she said. I smiled because she had no idea that she would be seeing them very soon.

When we were ready, I texted Michelle to say we were leaving. "Mummy, where are we going?" Lily asked getting into the car. "It's a surprise," I told her looking in the rear-view mirror at her. She sighed and I started the car. Ww weren't that far down the road when Lily asked for her CD to be put on. "Which one, Lils?" I asked her. Again, another hard decision for a four year old. "Disney princesses," she said. Lily has an obsession with Disney at the moment, and when we were shopping she spotted the cd and wanted it immediately. She wouldn't even wait until Christmas!

Upon arrival, Lily looked really confused. "Mummy, where are we?" she asked holding my hand. "We're in Wembley, darling," I said crossing the road with her to the stadium. "But what are we doing here?" she insisted. "Lily, can't you just accept that this is going to be a surprise?" I asked her. She shook her head, "I want to know know though," she said. I wasn't going to tell her, which she eventually realised so she stopped asking. We waited outside for Michelle and the kids, but didn't have to wait long.

When Michelle arrived with Jake and Ella, we went straight inside. "Does Lily know yet?" Michelle whispered to me. "No, does Jake?" I asked. "Not a clue," she answered. We walked into the stadium, and bought snacks and drinks before heading to our seats. "Mummy?" Lily asked. "Yes," I said turning to her. "If there's an ice skating rink, why are we sitting down and not going skating?" she asked me. Lily loved ice skating, from what I knew, at least. "Because, we are watching a Disney princess show, on ice," I said to her. "Is this the surprise?" she asked. I nodded, "What do you think Lily?" I asked. She smiled the biggest smile I had seen her smile in ages. "Amazing," she said.

After the show was over, we decided it was time to head home. We stopped off at a cafe for a drink on the way home, but other than that we went straight back. "What are we doing tomorrow?" Lily asked me in the car. "Well, Olivia's mummy asked if you wanted to go over there to play," I said. I could tell Lily was unsure about going. "Lily, you can't stay with me all the time. You like going to Olivia's, don't you?" I said concerned. "Yes, but I don't want to leave you and then you be sad," she said. I smiled, "Aw, Lils, it's ok to be sad sometimes, but I want you to go and have fun, ok? Shall I say that you want to go tomorrow?" I asked her. She nodded, "Ok then," she said. I smiled at her, "good girl," I said.

The next day I dropped Lily off at Olivia's before heading to a cafe where I would be meeting Lauren for lunch. "Hi Clara," she said when she saw me. "Hi Lauren, how are you?" I asked her sitting down at the table. "Good thanks, and you?" she replied. "Not too bad," I answered, glancing at the menu. "How's Lily?" Lauren asked me. I smiled painfully. "Not great. I managed to persuade her to go to a friends today. She didn't want to leave me by myself. I can't have my four year old daughter worrying about me being on my own, so she won't go round to play with her friends," I said truthfully. Lauren smiled sympathetically. "It will get easier, just give it some time," she said.

I enjoyed my lunch with Lauren, but had to rush off to collect Lily. Once we were home, I let Lily watch a film, while I put some washing on. I ended up doing lots of housework, before sitting down in the living room with Lily and finishing my Christmas shopping.


Thanks for reading. Sorry this one was so boring, it was more of a filler chapter.
Please comment and vote.

Erin :)

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