Chapter 47

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So I am addicted to updating this story! Hope you don't mind(!) hope you enjoy the chapter :)

Chapter 37 Clara's POV

The weeks flew by, as I knew they would, and my baby girl was a month already. Lily loves having a baby sister, she is so protective. Mum, dad, Ellie and I are going to see Lily's school play tomorrow. Jake's in it to, so Michelle, Steve and Ella will meet us there. Lily's been looking forward to this for weeks, and so were we.

The weekends were the best time for me. I could spend two whole days with my girls. We often went out, whether it was to the park, the shops, visiting people, or going out for lunch, if it was nice outside, we would go out. Today I was taking them to the zoo. Lily's going through a phase of monkeys. They were my favourite animal as a kid (a/n and mine - I love them and wolves!!) so I didn't mind taking them.

Upon arriving, I let Lily out the car and went round to the boot to get Ellie's buggy. Lauren was bringing her niece who was the same age as Lily, her name was Isla (pronounced I-la phonetically), so I had some company as did Lily. We waited for them at the box office. "Mummy, who are we waiting for?" Lily asked getting impatient. "Do you remember mummy's friend Lauren?" I asked her and she nodded, "Well, she's coming and she's bringing her niece called Isla who is the same age as you," I explained. "The same age as me?" Lily asked. I nodded, "Yep, and she likes frozen," I said, causing Lily to gasp.

We didn't have to wait long for the other two to arrive. "Hi Lauren, Isla," I said giving them each a hug. I had met Isla once before and she kind of knows me. "Isla, these are Clara's daughters, Lily, and Ellie," she said pointing to each of my girls. "Hi," Lily said with a smile, which Isla return. "Hi. I like your top," Isla said. Lily was wearing a pink t-shirt with Elsa on the front, and fancy writing reading 'Let It Go'.

We walked into the zoo and let the two older girls go on the playground for a bit before going to see the animals. Lauren and I sat down on the bench closest to them so we could watch them carefully. "They look like they are getting on well," Lauren said smiling. "Yeah, they do," I said looking at them playing before turning to Lauren. "How's work?" I asked her. She sighed, "Busy, but not too bad. How's motherhood treating you this time round?" Lauren asked. I laughed a little, "It's fantastic. I just wish Danny was here to see his beautiful girls all grown up. I miss him, Lauren, I really miss him," I said sadly. I sighed before looking back up to check on the girls who were happily playing together. "I know you do. He was such a big part in your life, it's not surprising that you miss him. But you need to stay strong. These two little girls here need their mummy, and they want their mummy to be happy. Not many people can be a single mum of two beautiful girls and still manage to enjoy life. I've seen kids and parents all over the place before," she said. I smiled, Lauren always knew how to cheer me up. "Thanks Lauren," I said. "Anytime," she replied before we decided to get the girls so we could see the animals.

We walked round the zoo for the morning. The girls loved the animals, even Ellie enjoyed them! She liked the monkeys, as did everyone. It was nearing lunch time, so we stopped at one of the hut things and ordered lunch. I set Lily up with hers before feeding Ellie her bottle. I reached into the buggy and got Ellie out and settled her in my arm before feeding her. "How's Olivia?" I asked Lauren during lunch. "She's good. There's been a big improvement in her work. She still misses her mum though, but that's to be expected," she replied. I smiled, "That's good. I lost my mum when I was about her age, and I still miss her," I said sadly.

The rest of the day flew by and before long it was time to go home. "Mummy, do we have to go?" Lily asked as we were leaving. I smiled, "Yes darling, you have your show tomorrow and you need to get some sleep," I said putting Ellie in the car. Lily sighed before climbing in the car too. I got the kids home in time for tea, so they ate that before watching some TV and going to bed.

*the next day*

Today was a very exciting day for me, and for Lily. She had been looking forward to this for weeks and the day had finally come. She didn't need to be in school until 10 at the latest today, so she could have a lie in. She woke up at 8 which was the time I would wake her up anyway. I got her and Ellie dressed before getting ready myself and herding the two out the house.

Upon arrival, I left Lily with her teachers and went to find either mum and dad or Michelle and Steve in the audience. By the looks of things, mum and dad weren't here yet, so I went to sit by Michelle as she was the only person I really knew from this school.

Little did I know there was a person sitting a few rows behind me that I knew most of all.


Hope you enjoyed it. I do love cliffhangers!! I have realised the description is nothing like the story, so I will change it. Thanks for reading.
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Erin :)

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