Chapter 27

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What did everyone think of the Christmas special? If you want to talk about it, you can message me. I decided to start updating as I didn't want to stop writing as I am enjoying it. Hope you enjoy the chapter.

Chapter 27 Clara's POV

I stood there in disbelief. I hadn't seen the doctor for two years. Two bloody years and they think I know where he is. In actual fact, I did know where he was as he was standing only a few meters behind me. "Information on who?" he said, although he was still invisible. I could see the confusion on their faces. "That's right, didn't see that coming did you," he said. He suddenly became invisible. "Now, you have me and you can let Clara go," he said. I shook my head, "No, doctor I can handle this," I said trying to keep him out of it. "No, Clara go back to the TARDIS, please," he said. I was torn between staying here and returning to my family. "Clara, go. The TARDIS will take you and Danny home. Just please, for me," he said. I knew I had to go. I turned my back and walked out the room.

I ran back to the TARDIS as fast as I could, but stopped outside, hearing voices coming from within. "Will mummy be ok?" Lily asked Danny. "Lily, you know how brave mummy is, and she is with someone that will protect her. I'm sure mummy will be fine," he said. And, on that note, I opened the TARDIS door and stepped inside. "Mummy!" Lily called and ran to me. I picked her up and held her close. "Lily!" I whispered. I walked up to the console when I saw Danny. "Thank you," I said to him. I put Lily down and went over to hug him. "I'm glad you're ok," he whispered in my ear. "A mother's got to do what a mother's got to do," I said.

I stood around in the TARDIS with my family before deciding it was time to leave. "Ok, now to work out how to fly this thing," I said. I did that memory thing, I forget what it was, when I was connected to the TARDIS and thought of home. "Mummy, what's happening?" Lily asked. "Don't panic, Lils, we're going home," Danny said.

We arrived in the TARDIS outside our house. I took Danny and Lily's hands before heading out the TARDIS. "I'm tired mummy," Lily said. I watched as Danny lifted her up. "I know baby, do you want Daddy to take you up to bed?" I asked unlocking the door. She nodded and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Is that ok?" I asked him as we entered. "Yeah, of course," he said and I watched as he carried her upstairs.

I went to the living room and watched as the TARDIS disappeared from sight. I smiled to myself before taking my shoes and coat off. I went into the kitchen and put the kettle on. "She's sound asleep," a voice said which made me jump. "Oh my god! Danny don't you ever do that again. You scared the life out of me," I said as I walked over into his arms. "Aw, is my little Clara scared?" he joked. "Danny," I said looking up at him. "Yes?" he replied hugging my waist and pulling me closer. "Shut up," I said before reaching up and kissing him.

Danny and I sat down on the sofa and snuggled up together. It hadn't been five minutes since Lily was in bed when I heard tiny foot steps on the stairs. I went out to see what was up. "Hey, what's the matter darling?" I asked Lily who was now downstairs and looked rather scared. "I'm scared mummy," she said. I motioned for her to come into my arms. "Scared of what princess?" I asked stroking her hair. "I don't want to be with that woman again," she said. My heart broke. "Lily, come and sit in here with me and daddy," I said. "Can I go and get my teddy?" she asked. I nodded, "be quick," I said and watched as she ran upstairs. Once she was out of sight, I walked into the room. "So, what's up?" he asked when I came back into the living room. "We have someone joining us," I said and sat down on the sofa, before Lily walked into the living room.

"Lily, try and go to sleep," Danny said to the four year old who was snuggled in between us. "But," she started. "We are going to stay right here with you," Danny interrupted. She reluctantly drifted off to sleep knowing she was safe once again. Thinking of safe, my thoughts drifted to the Doctor and how he was getting on. I was so deep in thought I didn't notice Danny staring at me. "You're thinking about him again, aren't you?" He asked. I came out of thought and looked at him and nodded slowly. "I'm just concerned, thats all," I said with a smile.

Danny carried a sleeping Lily upstairs when we were sure she was fast asleep. He came back down and we were on our own once again.


Thanks for reading. I am going away for the next week so the chances of regular updates are slim, but I will try and publish at least one chapter. Have a happy new year everyone!
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Erin :)

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