Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 Danny's POV

I have been waiting to ask her that question for weeks now. I love her, and it's about time I proved it to her. We ate our deserts, Clara couldn't stop smiling. Every once in a while I would see her glance down at the newly placed ring on her finger. "What?" she asked when she caught me looking at her and smiling. "Nothing," I replied looking into her eyes.

We left the restaurant hand in hand, Clara's head rested on my shoulder. We got in the car and I drove her home. "Would you like to come in for a drink?" Clara asked. I thought for a moment. "I don't see why not, let me just park up," I said. I parked the car and Clara and I stepped out.

As Clara unlocked the door, I heard a voice, and Clara did to. "Did you have fun with your boyfriend?" the familiar voice said. Clara looked at me apologetically. "He's not my boyfriend," I heard Clara say as I closed the door. "What?" the Doctor said. Clara repeated herself, "he's not my boyfriend," she said, "he's my fiancé."

"Your what?" he screamed. Clara moved to my side and I moved my arms around her protectively. "We're getting married," I said, defending Clara. "Why? Why would you do that?" the Doctor said. Clara looked at me, "because we love each other," she replied. We kissed briefly before remembering the Doctor was here as well.

"Well that's just great, isn't it? The universe needs saving and you two are planning a wedding. Good god," the doctor said. "Look, I'm happy with Danny, he has been there for me when you haven't. Can't you see? I love him and he loves me, we are meant for each other," Clara said and I released her from my grip. "I'm sorry, I am so sorry. You'll always be my impossible girl. I know you're happy with him. He's a good man. You look after her, she's done nothing wrong," the Doctor said, the last part to me. "I will. She means everything to me," I replied looking into Clara's eyes. "Ok, Doctor leaving, got universes to save," he said heading towards the blue box. "Doctor," Clara said, "Come and visit." He nodded before stepping into the blue box and flying away.

"Danny, I'm so, so sorry. I thought he would have left, but..." Clara began. "Hey, it's ok, don't worry about it. Now, how about this drink?" I say moving on. The truth was, I was happy as long as she was happy. Clara is all that matters to me.


Sorry this chapter was so short. I have just thought, I am on half term at the moment and unfortunately when I go back go school, updates will become less frequent but I will still update no matter what.
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Erin :)

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