Chapter 45

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So as I said in the last chapter I will do a sequel if you guys want me to. I have an idea for it, and at least 3 or 4 of you have told me you want one so I think I will write one once this story is finished. Anyway, enjoy the chapter.

Chapter 45 Clara's POV

A week has passed since I gave birth to Ellie. Danny's family have come and gone, along with many other visitors. I don't think we've ever been this popular before!! I was taking Ellie into work today as I promised my class that I would bring her in, and Lauren wants to see her but she's at work until late today.

I waved bye to Lily and watched as Michelle took her to school. I went back inside and had a quick shower and got ready before waking Ellie up. She was sleeping well, except not at night. She slept well when she wanted to sleep, but this was common with young babies. I sat on my bed with her and fed her before getting her changed.

Within an hour she and I were ready to go. I had to stop off at the shops on the way so I figured there was no harm in leaving now as I had no idea how Ellie would be while shopping.

As it turns out, Ellie really doesn't like shopping. I had to go and get the food shopping, but Ellie didn't want me to get anything. Every time I walked away from the trolly, she would start crying. I was getting a lot of sympathetic looks from the many mothers in the shop which annoyed me slightly as I didn't need their sympathetic looks, I needed my daughter to stop crying.

Eventually we were done, and that was definitely an experience I was not willing to live again soon. It was nearing Ellie's lunch time, so I decided to drive home first and feed her before going to the school. This also meant I could leave the shopping here.

In an hour, Ellie was fed, the shopping was away and we were on our way to Coal Hill. I parked up outside and carried Ellie in her car seat up to the office. "Hi Clara. How are you?" Catherine, the receptionist, said. "Hi Catherine. I'm good thanks, you?" I replied. "Good thanks," she said. I didn't really talk to her much, so our conversations were very often like that.

I walked through the halls, carrying Ellie by my side, until I got to Lauren's classroom. She wasn't in there, but I went in anyway and put Ellie on one of the desks. I was just about to get her out when someone came in the room. "Miss?" they said. I turned around thinking they were talking to me. "Yes," I said. They looked shocked as I was standing there and not Lauren, or Miss O'Connor as they call her. "Sorry, I thought you were Miss O'Connor. Is that your daughter?" Izzy, one of my class, asked pointing to Ellie. "Yeah it is. You can come and see her if you want," I said and she walked over to Ellie sitting happily in her car seat. "What's her name?" Izzy asked staring at the tiny baby. "Eleanor, after my mum. But I call her Ellie for short," I said and lifted her out of her car seat. "How old is she?" she asked. I could tell there was going to be a lot of questions. "She's only a week old," I said, "Though she was born two months early. She's a tiny little thing."

Izzy left, and soon after Lauren walked in the room. "Hi Clara!" she said making me jump. "Hey Lauren, how are you?" I asked her giving her a one armed hug due to me holding Ellie. "I'm good thanks, what about you?" She replied kissing Ellie's head. "We're good thanks. Would you like a cuddle?" I asked her and she nodded. I passed Ellie over to her and we sat down on a couple of the chairs.

We sat talking for a while until Lucy, who was my supply teacher, knocked on the door. "Hi Lucy," I said standing up and hugging her. "Hi Clara, how are you both?" she replied as I hugged her. "We're good thanks, how are you?" I asked her. "I'm not too bad. I know you're on maternity leave, but can I run through a few bits with you please?" she asked leaning against the desk. "Sure," I replied before turning to Lauren, "Would you mind looking after Ellie for me?" Lauren smiled, "Not at all," she said.

I left Ellie with Lauren, telling her that if she needed me she should come and find me. Lucy and I went into my old office, her temporary one, and she explained the problems she was having.

"I just don't know what to do. She was doing so well, but now there has been a sudden decline in her work and effort," Lucy explained. This was her first job teaching, so she still had a lot to learn. "Have you spoken to her about it?" I asked her. "I tried," she explained, "but she wouldn't talk to me." I thought for a moment, "I could try talking to her if you want," I suggested. Lucy looked relieved. "Could you? I know you're busy with Ellie but it would really-" she began but I cut her off, "Of course. I'll get someone to find her now," I said before leaving to find Olivia.

It was strange walking round the school corridors once again. I kept getting weird looks from the kids as I walked through. I finally found Olivia sitting outside alone. "Olivia, are you ok?" I asked sitting down next to her. She looked up at me surprised. "Not really," she said. I watched as she returned back to her original position. "Do you want to talk about it?" I asked her slowly. She nodded, "But not here," she said. I had an idea. "Liv, would you like to meet someone?" I asked her and she nodded. We walked back inside and I lead the way to Lauren's classroom.


What did you think? I know not much happened in this chapter, but I hope you enjoyed it anyway. Thanks for reading.
Please comment and vote.

Erin :)

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