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"Up! Get up you two! Now!" Aunt Petunia yelled. I growned and sat up. "Morning Harry." I greeted causing him to smile. I shared a bed with Harry in a cupboard and, well, there's not enough space for the both of us.

Harry yawned while rubbing his tired eyes. "Morning." He greeted and sighed. "You know what day is today." I said annoyed and he nodded, knowing what a shitty day's today.

"Did you have another memorie?" He asked. "No, not really." I answered and he nodded slightly. I have these memories since I was a baby. It showed me some parts of the past. Once I saw my parents dancing.

Then I heard a strange noise and looked at Harry. There was a rumbling of someone going down the stairs and back up. "Oh no." I said and then there was the loud jumping of the steps as white flakes fell on us. "Wake up Potters! We're going to the Zoo!!" Our pathetic excuse for a cousin yelled.

We shared a look and sighed. I dropped myself back on the bed and Harry grabbed my hand. "Come on, (Y/N)." Harry said and smiled gently at me. I sighed one last time and smiled back at Harry. "Urgh." I huffed and we both got out of the cupboard.

We both went to the kitchen and I rolled my eyes immediately as I heard Aunt Petunia's annoying voice. "Start making breakfast and try not to burn anything." She said rudely. "Yes, aunt Petunia." Harry and I sighed and started making breakfast. "Where's my coffee, girl?" Uncle Vernon asked.

Harry rolled his eyes and handed me a mug. I poured the hot liquid in it and handed it to him. Harry and I finished making breakfast and we both sat down and started eating.

"Today it's your turn with the dishes." I whispered and Harry sighed. "Sorry." I giggled and shrugged. "How many are there?" Dudley asked. Today was his birthday and I immediately rolled my eyes. "36, counted them myself." Uncle Vernon replied. "36?! 36?! But last year I got 37!" Dudley whined, acting like a two-year old baby.

We shared a look and Harry shrugged. "How about this. When we got out we'll get you two new presents. How does that sound pumpkin?" Aunt Petunia suggested and Dudley agreed. "You ungrateful and selfish git." I hissed under my breath. Harry nudged me and I looked up. They turned to me and Dudley walked up to me.

It didn't scared me and I kept a straight face. "You motherless orphan." Dudley snapped and I glared at him. "You pathetic excuse-" I started but Harry hold me back and Dudley ran to his parents. "Do they have to come with us?" Dudley fake cried and I rolled my eyes.

"There is no one looking after them. But we both will make sure that they won't do anything. Alright sweetheart?" Aunt Petunia smiled and pinched his fat cheeks. She then glared at us and I cocked up an eyebrow.

"Go get ready both of you. Fix your hair boy and girl do something with the hair of yours." Uncle Vernon said and I huffed. Harry handed me my clothes and we both changed one by one. Harry fixed his hair and I braided my hair. "You alright?" I asked Harry and he nodded. I smiled at him and grabbed his hand.

We went out of the house and reached for the car handle but uncle Vernon stopped us. "I'm warning you. Any funny business or both of you will have no meals for a week. Understand?! And cover these scars." He treated and pointed at our scars.

My scar was on my neck while Harry's scar was on his forehead. Harry moved his bangs to cover his scar and I moved my hair to cover mine.

We both nodded and he moved out of the way for us to get in the car. "Harry please, he is a nightmare." I whispered and he huffed. "Fine. But next time you'll sit next to the fat prig." Harry said and I nodded. "Thank you." I beamed and hugged him.

He sat down next to Dudley and I secretly handed him my butterfly knife I bought once. "Here." I whispered in his ear and he smiled at me.


We went to the reptile exhibit and I spotted a snake. "Make it move!" Dudley hissed. "Mooovee." Uncle Vernon yelled and banged on the glass. "Move!" Dudley shouted and banged on the glass like his father. "I wouldn't move either if I see such a-" - "He's asleep." Harry interrupted me.

"He's boring." Dudley glared at me and then left. We walked up to the snake and leaned on the rail. "Sorry about him." - "He doesn't understand what it's like, lying there day after day-" - "watching people press their ugly faces in on you." Harry and I said, alternating sentence.

It got up and winked at us. "Can you hear us?" We both asked and the snake nodded. "It's just-" - "We've never talked to a snake before." - "Do you-" - "We mean,-" - "Do you talk to people often?" Harry and I asked and the snake shook its head. "You're from Burma, aren't you?" I questioned the snake. "Was it nice there?" Harry asked.

"Do you miss your family?" I continued and the snake looked at a sign that said 'Bred in Captivity'. "I see." I began. "We never knew our parents either." Harry sighed and I smiled at him. "Mummy! Dad! Come here!" Dudley yelled and pushed me and Harry aside.

"You won't believe what this snake is doing!" He finished. I stood up and helped Harry up. He and I glared at Dudley and suddenly the glass dissapeared.

Dudley felt in the habitat and I smirked at him. The snake slithered towards us causing me to back away. "Thanksss." It thanked. "Anytime." Harry and I answered at the same time.

When Dudley tried to step out the glass reappeared, trapping him inside. I giggled and Harry joined me. Dudley paniced and I giggled a little louder. Uncle Vernon turned to us and we immediately stopped.


Once we got out of the car we were dragged inside the house by Uncle Vernon. Harry grabbed my hand to comfort me and I squeezed it. "What happened!?" Uncle Vernon yelled at us. "We don't know, one minute the glass was there" - "but then it's gone." - "It's like magic." Harry and I panicked.

Vernon then threw us in the cupboard and locked the door. "There's no such thing as magic!" He hissed then slid the slot shut. Harry looked at me and I giggled. "Such. An. Asshole." I said and dropped myself on the bed.

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