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The next day we all were at Kingcross station heading to Platform 9¾. "10:58, come on." - "The train will be leaving any moment." They rushed and I ran as fast as I could with the trolley.

"Fred, George, Percy, you first." Mr. Weasley ordered. They ran through the wall and disappeared. "Okay." Mrs. Weasley said patting Ginny's shoulder. She ran through the wall as well and her parents followed close behind. "Let's go." Harry said.

We two nodded and Harry and Ron ran first. "Thank you boys. You two are so gentle." I said sarcastically. Well, luckily I didn't run first because Harry and Ron crashed against the wall. I stopped immediately and giggled.

"Oi, what do you two think you're doing?" The train master questioned. "Sorry. L-Lost control of the trolley." Harry lied causing me to giggle even more. "That's what I call karma." I said.

"Why can't we get through?" Harry questioned. "It's obviously." I said. We all turned to the clock. "The train leaves at exactly 11:00. We've missed it." Harry said. "Harry, if we can't get through maybe Mum and Dad can't get back." Ron said scared. "Maybe we should just go and wait by the car." Harry suggested. "The car." Ron beamed.

They rushed towards the car and I ran after them. "Boys, what is in your minds." I asked. They ignored my question and loaded their things in. I loaded my things in as well and got in the car.

Harry was in the back and I was sitting with him. "Sorry if I'm interrupting your thoughts but we can't drive to Hogwarts." I said. "Who says we were driving." Ron said trying to be cool.

"You don't mean... Ron, no." Harry said. "You guys better tell me what you're talking about." I said. "Look, who knows when Mum and Dad will get back. And we've got to get to school, haven't we? And even underage wizards are allowed to use magic if it's an absolute emergency. Least that's what Fred and George said." Ron said still ignoring me.

"Magic?" I said worried. "You will use magic? Are you insane?" I hissed. "Something tells me we're going to regret this." Harry said and I nodded in agreement. Ron tapped his wand at the dashboard and the car started.

"Nope, we'll definitely get expelled. Thank you." I snapped. "Ron do you even know how to fly this car?" I added. "No problem." He said. The car flew off into the sky and I sighed.

"There. See. Now I reckon all we have to do is find the Hogwarts Express and follow it. Simple." Ronald finished. "Ronald." I started. "Mhm?" - "I'm pretty sure that some Muggles-" "Most Muggles aren't accustomed to seeing a flying car." Harry interrupted me. "Right." Ron said and pressed a button. The car turned invisible from the outside and I leaned my head back.

After a while the car turned visible again. Ron tried to press that button again but nothing happened. "Oh, no! The invisibility Booster must be faulty." Ron said and I sighed. "Come on, then. Let's go lower. We need to find the train." I suggested.

"Okay." Ron said and did as I told. "Now, all we need to do is catch up with the train." - "We can't be far behind." Ron said. "Do you hear that?" I said hearing some train noises. "We must be getting close." Ron agreed. "Hold on." Harry said shocked.

Ron looked scared at us and Harry and I turned around to see the train behind us. We all started to scream and Ron directed the car away from the tracks.

The car moved from side to side and I screamed and squeezed Harry's hand. Suddenly the car door opened and I fell out. "Harry!!!" I screamed and he immediately grabbed my hand. "I've got you!" He said and tried to pull me back in the car. "Hold on!" Ron yelled.

Harry pulled me back in the car and I hugged him. "I thought you're going to die." Harry said and I took a deep breath. "Ronald Bloody Weasley! It was an awful idea to use that fucki- I mean bloody car!" I snapped and he smiled innocently at me.

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