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We were in an old shack, far away from their actual house. The Dursleys decided to hide there. Harry and I draw a birthday cake in the dirt and I finished the last detail.

It said 'Happy Birthday Harry and (Y/N)'. "I've got a present." I smiled and handed it him. "I've got you one too!" Harry giggled and handed me mine.

We both opened it and Harry got me a pen. "Harry it's brilliant!" I beamed and Harry opened his. "You got me the same!" Harry smiled and I giggled. "Yep." I said and hugged him. "Thank you." I whispered in his ear and he hugged me back. "No problem." Harry said causing me to smile bright.

"Must be 12 o'clock." I sighed as took a look at Dudley's clock. "Make a wish, (Y/N)." Harry whispered, trying to not wake them up. "You too." I said and then there was a loud bang on the door. The Dursley's came down stairs and Uncle Vernon was carrying a shot gun with him.

Harry hid behind the fire place and I was still sitting on the floor. My gaze was on the door and then someone break down the door. "Sorry 'bout that." A man said with a long brown beard.

He put the door back and I looked at him. I was about to say something but was interrupted by uncle Vernon. "Get out! Your breaking and entering!" He yelled.

"Dry up, Dursley, you great prune." The man snapped. He bent the nozzle of the gun up and the bullet went through the roof. "Hagrid." I whispered remembering my memorie. Hagrid then turned to Dudley, probably thinking that Dudley's Harry.

"Harry, haven't you seen since you were a baby, but you're more along then I would of expect. Particularly around the middle." Hagrid pointed at Dudleys stomach. "I-I'm not Harry." Dudley stuttered. "I-I am." Harry mumbled and got out of his place where he hide. "Well, of course you are. Where's your sister?" He asked and I smiled.

"I am here." I answered, still sitting on the floor. He looked down at me and smiled. "Beautiful. Like your Mother." He whispered and I smiled even more. "You're Hagrid, aren't you?" I questioned and Hagrid nodded. I stood up and walked up to Harry.

"Oh, I have something for you two. Might have sat on it twice but it's still good. Baked it myself." Hagrid said and handed us a smushed white box. We opened it and there was a pink frosted cake with green letters on it. The letters said 'Happee Birthdae Harry and (Y/N)'. "Thank you!" Harry and I beamed.

"It's not every day young adults turn eleven." Hagrid laughed and sat down on the couch. He pointed a pink umbrella at the fire and sparks came out of it. "I'm sorry, but who are you?" Harry asked. "Rubius Hagrid, keeper of keys at Hogwarts. Bet'en you been hearing all about Hogwarts." Hagrid replied.

"Sorry, no." Harry answered. "Well, blimey, Harry, have you ever wondered where your parents learnt it all." - "Excuse me. Learnt what?" I questioned him confused. "You're a wizard, Harry, and you're a witch, (Y/N)." Hagrid answered.

"What? I can't be a w-wizard." - "And I am definitely not a witch. I'm just (Y/N)." - "And I am just Harry." Harry said, finishing my sentence. "Well just Harry and (Y/N), have you ever had something happen, something you can't explain whenever you're mad or angry?" Hagrid asked us.

We both shared a look and Hagrid got two letters out. He handed them to me and Harry and smiled warmly at us. "Hogwarts." I whispered. "What?" Harry asked. "Now I know where I've seen it before! In my dreams!" I beamed. I opened it and nudged Harry.

"Come on." I huffed and he smiled. "Witchcraft and Wizardry... You mean magic is real?" Harry questioned Hagrid and he nodded. "Wow." I beamed. "They will not be going. We said when we took them in we would put an end to all this nonsense." Uncle Vernon snapped.

"You knew, you knew all this time and you didn't tell us." Harry said angrily causing me to grab Harry's hand to comfort him.

"Of course we did, my sister being what she was. I was the only one who saw her for what she really was... a freak. I knew both of you would be the same, and look at what happened to her, went and got herself blown up." Aunt Petunia mumbled and I glared at her. "Blown up!? Really!? You said our parents died in a car crash!" I yelled and squeezed Harry's hand.

"A car crash!? A car crash killed Lily and James Potter, that's an outrage, a scandal!" Hagrid said rather shocked. "They will not be going!" Uncle Vernon yelled. "And I suppose a great muggle like you is gonna stopped." Hagrid sighed and pointed his pink umbrella at Dudley's bum.

He ate our birthday cake and suddenly a green light shot out from his umbrella. Dudley got a pig tail and they all panic. I giggled with Harry and glanced over to Hagrid. "Come, let's go." Hagrid said. "Unless you want to be staying here." Hagrid finished and I nodded. "Let's go, Harry." I smiled and left with Harry and Hagrid.

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