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Harry and I were sitting in a small café at the train station. He was reading the Daily Prophet and then I saw him. My eyes widened a little as I saw his expression. He looked so different. "Harry, may I?" I questioned him and he handed me the Daily Prophet.

I touched the picture of Draco and smiled a bit. "Is that Draco?" I questioned him. "Yeah, it's Malfoy." Harry answered confused and I looked up. "Why are you smiling?" Harry asked me. My eyes widened a bit and I looked at the Daily Prophet, trying to find a reason. I couldn't tell him that I was smiling because of Draco.

"I'm smiling because Lucius Malfoy get what he deserved." I lied and Harry shook his head jokingly. Draco really changed a lot. He got much taller and looked older. I, of course, know what happened to him this summer. I had a vision of him showing the Dark Mark. Did I cry? Yeah, maybe.

To be honest, I only had visions about me and him in the holidays. Some of them really confused me. But I'm sure of one. Draco and I have to get through a lot. "Harry and (Y/N) Potter." The waitress said. "Who are Harry and (Y/N) Potter?" She questioned.

"Oh, not important. Harry's a bit of a tossed, really." Harry said causing me to smirk. "Funny, that paper of yours. Couple nights ago, I could've sworn I saw a picture move." - "Really?" - "Thought I was going around the twist." She said and started to walk away.

I nudged Harry and he turned around. "Hey, I was wondering-" - "Eleven. That's when I get off. You can tell me all about that tosser Harry Potter." The waitress interrupted Harry. He smiled causing me to smile as well.

I grabbed the Daily Prophet again and sighed. "He looks sad, doesn't he?" I said causing Harry to turn to me. "Who?" - "Dra-, I mean Malfoy." I answered and Harry shrugged. "Why do you even care?" He snapped causing me to clear my throat. "I don't." I replied.

Harry stood up and walked up to a window. I walked up to it as well and in the next moment Dumbledore stood there. "Please no." I whispered and Harry and I made our way to him.

"You two have been reckless this summer." Dumbledore said. "Well, we like riding around on trains." - "Takes our minds off things." I finished Harry's sentence and turned to Dumbledore. Harry and I took a closer look at his hand and he turned to us as well. "Rather unpleasant to behold, isn't it? The tale is thrilling, if I say so myself. But now is not the time to tell it." Dumbledore explained.

"Take my arm." He added and we both shared a look. "Do as I say." Dumbledore said as he saw Harry turning around. We both touched his arm and in the next moment everything started to feel dizzy.

Then we stopped and I took a deep breath. "Holy shit. What was that?" I questioned. "We just Apparated, didn't we?" Harry said, taking another breath. "Indeed. Quite successfully too, I might add. Most people vomit the first time." - "I can't imagine why." I said and started to follow Dumbledore and Harry.

"Welcome to the charming village of Budleigh Babberton. I assume, right about now, you're wondering why I brought you two here. Am I right?" Dumbledore asked us and stopped in front of a house. "Actually, sir, after all these years, we just sort of go with it." I answered.

"Wands out." Dumbledore said and we both got our wands out. We entered the house and things were lying on the floor. "Horace?" We looked around and Harry turned to me. "Who's Horace?" - "Don't know. Maybe a friend." I answered and shrugged.

"Horace?" Dumbledore continued. Then something dropped down on Harry's forehead and I grimaced at the fact that Dumbledore licked it off his finger. We heard a noise and turned to a sofa.

Dumbledore slowly walked up to and suddenly a man appeared out of it. "Merlin's beard!" The man said shocked. I backed away and widened my eyes. "No need to disfigure me, Albus." The man continued and stood up. "Well, I must say you make a very convincing armchair, Horace." Dumbledore said.

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