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"Morning, love." Draco greeted, wrapping his arms around my waist. He kissed my neck softly and rested his chin on my shoulder. "Morning." I mumbled and grabbed his hand.

I turned to him and put my head on his chest, closing my eyes again. Draco kissed my forehead and pulled me closer to him. "I'll take a shower, okay?" He yawned and sat up causing me to open my eyes.

"Mhm." I smiled, rubbing my tired eyes. "I'll hurry." Draco said and kissed my forehead, grabbing the things he's going to wear.

A sigh escaped my mouth as I dropped myself back on his bed. I closed my eyes, slowly drifting off to sleep again.


I slowly opened my eyes as I felt someone sitting down next to me. "Hey, wake up, love." - "Mhm." I yawned, turning so my back was facing him. "Are you that tired?" - "After what happened yesterday, yes." I mumbled and a smirk appeared on my lips as I remembered last night.

Draco sat down next to me and grabbed a book. "Rest as long as you want." He whispered causing me to turn to him and smile softly. "Thank you." I mumbled, putting my head on his lap.

Draco POV
She put her head on my lap, drifting slowly off to sleep. I stroked her hair gently and opened the book. A sigh escaped my mouth and I leaned my head back, thinking of her.

I don't want to leave her. I want to be with her, spending the rest of my life with her. But I know it's not possible.

Then someone knocked on the door, interrupting my thoughts. Blaise got in, smirking a little as he saw me and (Y/N) lying in one bed. "Can't take your hands off her, can you?" He whispered and sat down in front of me and (Y/N).

"Listen, I need an advice." Blaise sighed and I looked at him with confusion. "An advice? You need an advice?" I questioned him, shaking my head a little. I talked a little bit too loud 'cause (Y/N) got closer to me and covered herself up.

"Sorry." Blaise smirked causing me to roll my eyes jokingly. "Okay, I don't know if I can help you with your problem." - "It's about Charlie." My book dropped and my eyes widened. "Charlotte? You think I- Blaise you know that you have to talk with (Y/N) about that." I whispered and he took a deep breath.

"Mate, she's asleep. And besides, you jealous ass don't even allow me to talk to her." - "Take that back, Zabini." I hissed and a proud smirk appeared on his lips.

Right at the moment, (Y/N) yawned and stretched her arms, opening her eyes tiredly. She sat up and turned to me with a small smile. "Hey." (Y/N) mumbled, kissing my lips softly. "Hello." Blaise greeted and she turned to him with shock.

"God, Blaise." She hissed, throwing a pillow at him. "You could have said something, love." (Y/N) whispered in my ear and I shrugged. "Oh, I don't think so. I wouldn't mind watching a porn. I mean, the whole common room heard it yesterday." Blaise joked and (Y/N)'s jaw dropped while I cleared my throat, suppressing a laugh.

"W-What do you mean?" She stuttered and he smirked, shrugging and laughing. "We listened to you yesterday while you had some, well, kind of fun. Have you never heard of spells? (Y/N) screamed louder than these Mandrake's." Blaise continued and (Y/N) hid her face in my shoulder, blushing a little.

"No need to be ashamed, (Y/N)." He laughed. "Besides, good job, Mate." I threw my pillow at him and shook my head. "(Y/N), love, it's okay. I mean-" - "No, it's not, Draco. You must have forgotten that Melanie ist still a problem. She'll tell everyone and I wouldn't be surprised if the whole school already knew. So, Harry knows it as well. It's just a matter of time that you and I are being murdered by my brother." She spat and sniffed.

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