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—19 Years Later—

"Do you think he'll like it?" Draco worried while I helped him to put on his black tie. "Yeah, why not?" I smiled and kissed his cheek when I finished my sentence.

Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy is our third child and this time it's a boy. Draco, of course, was afraid that he would become like his father when it comes to the upbringing of our first son. But you could see that he couldn't be happier at the moment.

"Have you seen him?" I questioned Draco and grabbed my shoes, putting them on. "He's probably talking to Hope and Faith right now." Draco replied and sat down next to me, grabbing my hand gently.

Faith and Hope graduated successfully last year and decided to join Scorpius and us to the King's Cross Station. A tear escaped my eye as I remembered my years at Hogwarts with Draco.

"They're growing so fast, Draco." I sniffed and wiped the tears away, glancing over to him. He sent me a small and warm smile, kissing my forehead softly as we heard a soft knock on our door.

"Mum? Dad? You two ready to go?" Scorpius questioned while smiling brightly. "Oh, come here." I mumbled and opened my arms for him, hugging him gently. "We're so proud of you, Scorpius." I whispered in his ear and kissed his cheek.

Draco kneeled down next to us and hugged Scorpius as well. There are always those little things that make these moments between Scorpius, Draco, Faith, Hope and me perfect. Running my hands through Scorpius platinum blonde hair, I smiled softly and kissed his nose.

"Time to go, you three." Faith smiled while Hope wiped the tears away. The two of them are so much alike, but still so different. It's incredible how fast time flies. Nineteen years have passed and I've never been happier in my life. Nineteen years have passed and I've never stopped loving Draco. Never.

"Aunt Charlie and Uncle Blaise told us some interesting things, you know. The way we were made." Draco and I shared a short look and I shook my head slightly while Draco cleared his throat with the biggest smile plastered on his beautiful face.

"Let's not talk about it. We should go now, or we're missing the train."

。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚

Standing in front of the Red Train, I started to smile slowly as I got another flashback of first year. Draco hugged Scorpius softly while I took a deep breath, not being ready of letting my third child go.

Scorpius then turned to me and hugged me as well and smiled brightly as he turned to Faith and Hope. That's when Harry and Ginny arrived us with their children. "You know..." Draco began and wrapped his hands around my waist again, "I still don't like him." I shook my head at his comment and started to giggle quietly.

Hermione and Ron arrived the train as well and turned to us, sending us a warm smile. "Take care of you, sweetheart, yeah?" I whispered and kissed Scorpius forehead. "Yes, Mum." - "And write to us, will you?" - "Yes, Mum."

"And please-" - "Mum." Faith and Hope interrupted me which caused me to take a deep breath. "Let him go. He's old enough." Slowly glancing over to Scorpius again, I nodded and sniffed quietly. "It's time, Mum. You can stop holding my hand now." Scorpius smiled and Draco rolled his eyes jokingly.

"Goodbye, Dad. Bye, Mum." That's when our hands parted and that's when he boarded the train. With a last train whistle, it started to leave the station slowly and made it way to Hogwarts.

Draco squeezed my hand gently and I put my head on his shoulder, smiling a little to myself when I realised that everything I've ever wanted is right here, next to me.

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