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Thank you so much for 5k reads!!!!!! I love you all so much and I wish you all the best!!!
In love,
I was still sleeping with Draco in my bed. He had his hands wrapped around my waist and his chin rested on my shoulder. Then Draco attacked me with small kisses on my cheek and my neck.

I slowly woke up and smiled. "Morning." Draco said with his morning voice. "Hey." I greeted and turned to face Draco. I kissed him softly on his lips and put my head on his chest. "Why did you wake me up?" I whined and hid my face.

He smiled a little and sighed. "How do you feel?" Draco questioned. I looked up and smirked, remembering last night. "Couldn't be better." I answered and sat up. "What about you?" I added. "I've never been as good as I am today." He said, pulling me closer.

We looked deep in each other's eyes and our breath was sync. "Know what?" I whispered causing my lips to brush his. "I really enjoyed it last night." Draco smirked and I could feel his hot breath on my skin.

We slowly leaned in and his loft lips met my. Then the door opened and we both pulled away immediately. "Morning." I smiled and Charlie turned to me and Draco. "Hey." She waved and Draco was about to sit up. I stopped him before he could and he turned to me with confusion. "You're shirtless, love." I whispered in his ear and he nodded.

"Did you two sleep well?" Charlie questioned and her eyes widened as she picked up my skirt. Draco and I shared a look and Charlie turned to us. "What happened here last night?" She asked us.

Charlie kneeled down and grabbed Draco's shirt. "I guess this is yours." Charlie smiled and handed Draco his shirt. "Thanks." He mumbled and carefully put it on, trying to cover the Dark Mark as much as he could.

"Again. What happened here last night?" She repeated. "Well, we-" - "You two had some fun here, I understand." Charlie mumbled and Draco sat up. "Listen, Charlie-" - "No, it's fine. Actually, I knew it from the beginning. Your girlfriend here isn't a good liar." She interrupted me and Draco turned to me with a small smile.

"Yeah, whatever. I just wanted to get my things. Would you like to come with me to Hogsmeade?" Charlie questioned us. I turned to Draco but his gaze was fixed on the covers. "We can't. Maybe next time. Sorry." I mumbled and she nodded. "See you later, yeah?" I added and Charlie waved.

Then she left the room and I dropped myself back on my bed. Draco didn't move and looked rather emotionless. "What's wrong?" - "Nothing." Draco answered bluntly. "Draco." I said, grabbing his hand. "(Y/N), stop. It's nothing." He snapped and turned away from me.

But of course. The Dark Mark. I guess we both forgot the Dark Mark last night. "I'm not the only one who can't lie." I hissed and pulled up his sleeve, revealing the Dark Mark. Draco turned to me and tried to hide the Mark again.
"(Y/N), please." Draco whispered causing me to shake my head.

"(Y/N)-" - "No. Look at it." I snapped and I felt him tensing up. "Look at it." I repeated. Draco slowly turned his head to the Dark Mark and gulped. "I forgot this horror last night." He whispered and shook his head.

"Tell me how you feel about it." I said, sending him a small smile. "Draco, please. Do it for me." I added, seeing that he was struggling to talk. He looked up and took a deep breath. "It makes me feel uncomfortable, okay? I feel like shit. The feeling of being connected to the Dark Lord is terrible. I feel narrowed down by it and it feels like that everything I had is taking away by it." Draco explained and his eyes started to tear up.

I sniffed a little and I couldn't take my eyes of him. I kissed him softly and covered the Mark again. "I'm so sorry." I mumbled, wiping the tears away. "It's okay, I guess." Draco said, grabbing my hand again.

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