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It was finally Christmas and students were starting to leave. Harry, Ron and I were at the great hall enjoying the day. I was reading a book about magic creatures while the boys played chest.

"Knight to E-5." Harry said and his knight moved. Ron immediately smirked and I looked up. "Queen to E-5." He said and his Queen moved. It smashed Harry's peice and I looked at the action with wide eyes.

"That's totally barbaric!" Hermione said and I nodded. "That's wizards chest." Ron said proud. "See you've packed." He continued. "See you haven't." Hermione responded. "Change of plans. My parents decided to go to Romania to visit my brother, Charlie. He's studying dragons there!" Ron said.

"Good. You can help (Y/N) and Harry, then. They're going to go to the library for information on Nicholas Flamel." She said. "We've looked a hundred times!" Ron whined.

"Not in the restricted section." Hermione finished. She was about to leave but turned around again. "Here. Merry Christmas." She said and handed me a present.

I immediately opened it and it was a book. "Useful Potions and how to brew them." I read and smiled. "She knew it." I finished. "Knew what?" Harry asked. "I secretly love Potions. I mean they're interesting!" I beamed and hugged to book out of joy.

Harry giggled and I hugged him. "See you tomorrow in your common room. I'll go to the common room now." I said and left. "See you at the Gryffindor common room." I said and walked away.

I was reading the book on my way and bumped into someone. "Watch where you're going." Malfoy hissed. I rolled my eyes and tried to grab my book. But before I could, Malfoy grabbed it and smirked.

"Potions and how to brew them." He read aloud and looked at me. "Nerd." He huffed and I glared at him. "Just because you never read doesn't mean I'm a nerd right away. And now, give me my book." I hissed and he dropped my book. "Here." Malfoy smirked and I kneeled down to grab my book.

I got up again and he smirked at me. "You. Are. Pathetic." I said and I almost slapped him across the face. "Oh, I forgot." I said and hit him with my fists in his stomach. "Do this ever again and I will hex you." I hissed. "Ms. Potter." I turned around and saw Professor Snape glaring at me. "Professor Snape." I greeted.

"Mr. Malfoy, what happened?" Professor Snape asked and Draco smirked. "She hit me in my stomach." He fake whined. "I see... Ms. Potter and Mr. Malfoy, You have detention as soon as school starts again." Professor Snape said and I smirked at Draco. "Why?" Draco questioned. "For not saying the truth." He said and with that he left.

"Wait till my father hears about this." Draco glared and left as well. I sighed and entered the common room. I sat down on one of the couches and opened my book again. "(Y/N) hit me." Draco whined. "Oh, poor Dracie-poo. I'll kill her." Pansy said and Draco whined.

"For God's sake." I mumbled. "Is Dracie-poo in pain?" I said, mocking Pansys tone. I passed them and smiled at them. "Mistletoe." I said and they looked up. Draco looked disgusted by Pansy and I chuckled.

Snape entered the common room and our attention turned to him. "Ms. Potter, Mr. Malfoy and Ms. Parkinson. It would be good if you all could help me to decorate." He said and we all nodded. I grabbed some stuff and decorated our common room.

"Look at her. She is such a fat ugly girl." Parkinson said and they giggled at me. "Did you ever took a look in a mirror?" I began. "You better do that." I finished and she glared at me.

We finished decorating and Snape thanked us. I walked up in my dorm and saw letters. They were from Celine.

Dear (Y/N),
Thank you for writing me. I'll write to you as much as I can but I can't promise anything. Unfortunately, I have to inform you that my mother has decided that I will no longer go to hogwarts but to Beauxbatons. Oh, and please remember my words. Stand up for yourself.

Tears filled my eyes and I sighed. I wiped them away and sat down on my bed. I played with the letter and after a while.I put it away. "Brilliant." I said and dropped myself on the bed. I covered my face with my hands and drifted slowly to sleep.

"(Y/N) Potter, you have changed."


"He did not betray our parents Harry."


"Are you going to kiss me again? I know you want to-"

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