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I'm so sorry for not publishing yesterday. I didn't have much time to write and I hope you forgive me. By the way, I'll finish the 4th year today or tomorrow and start the 5th year on Thursday. Now enjoy the new Chapter!


"I don't want to do this." I stuttered while Harry and I prepared ourselves for the third task. It was finally the third and last task. Harry cleared his throat while I looked around to find, well, someone. Someone who become more and more important to me. Someone I wish it wasn't like that.

The music was playing and all the students and guests clapped for the five champions. Then I felt eyes burning in my back and I turned around to see Draco. He nodded with a small smile which I returned.

"Sonorus!" Dumbledore yelled and only then I noticed the maze in front of us. "Harry, you know that I'm afraid of-" - "I know." Harry interrupted me. "Earlier today, Professor Moody placed the Triwizard Cup deep within the maze. Only he know its exact position. Now, as Mr. Diggory-" Students started to clap for him. "Ms. and Mr. Potter..." Then students started to clap for us as well including Draco.

I smiled a little and Harry grabbed my hand. "...are tied for first position, they will be the first to enter the maze, followed by Mr. Krum and Miss Delacour. The first person to touch the cup will be the winner!" Dumbledore said and I gulped.

"I've instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter. Should, at any point, a contestant wish to withdraw from the task, he or she need only send up red sparks with their wands. Contestants! Gather around. Quickly!" Dumbledore added and we all walked up to him.

"In the maze, you'll find no dragons of creatures of the deep. Instead, you'll face something even more challenging. You see, people change in the maze. Oh, find the cup if you can. But be very wary, you could just lose yourselves along the way." Dumbledore finished and I shook my head.

"Champions, prepare yourselves!" Harry and I walked up to Professor Moody and I waved Harry. "What? Stay here." - "Harry, as much as I wish to stay with you, I have my own entrance to the maze." I explained and Harry hugged me. "Be careful." - "Same to you." I whispered and pulled away.

I walked up to my entrance and took a deep breath. "On the count of three. One-" Dumbledore was interrupted by the cannon. I shared a look with Harry and entered the maze.

All of sudden, the maze closed itself and my eyes widened. I started to run as fast as I can and turned around to check. "Harry!" I yelled, hoping that Harry heard me. "Harry! You here?!" I continued yelling and then I heard a noise. "(Y/N)?" Someone yelled and I turned around. "Harry." I said with shock and ran up to him.

"You fucking scared the hell out of me." I snapped and hugged him. "Sorry." Harry mumbled, hugging me back. "Let's win this shit." Harry smiled while he pulled away from the hug. "Let's go." I said, returning his smile.

We started to make our way through the maze, trying to find the worthless cup. "Here's someone." I whispered and Harry nodded. "Let's go, (Y/N). The faster we find this cup, the faster we get out of here." Harry said and I shook my head.

"I have the feeling that this maze is the smallest of our problems, Harry." I whispered and he turned to me with confusion. "Just a feeling." I shrugged and continued walking. Then we heard a scream and Harry and I shared a look.

Harry and I started to run to where the scream came from and stopped when we saw Krum. I turned around for I short moment and then I saw Krum with white eyes and he pointed his wand at us.

I screamed in shock and Krum lowered his wand again. Harry and I shared a look and shook our heads. "I'm out." I mumbled and got out my wand. "(Y/N), please. Don't give up now. I promise you we'll stay together, okay?" Harry said, sending me a small smile. "Fine, okay." I huffed and then we started to run again.

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