𝑇ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑘 𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑆𝑜 𝑀𝑢𝑐ℎ

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Okay, hey.
I don't know where to start, to be honest. Thank you so so so much. Thank you for reading, commenting and voting on my book.
God, I wish this book would never end, but where there's a start, there's also an end.

I'm so thankful for everyone and everything! I fucking love you all and- god- just feel hugged by me, okay?

You know, when I started to write this book, at first I did it just for fun. I was so stupid and started writing without thinking about what I'm writing at all. But when I saw that people actually read this shit, I was speechless and continued writing. And now the book is finished. It's fucking finished.

I'm so in love with reading your comments and, god, please. It's over now. Reading comments was a daily routine for me. Writing chapters for you was a daily routine for me.

BUT, I don't stop writing, no. I start to write my second book. At first I named it 'Different', but now its name is 'Obliviate'. The only thing I can say is that it will definitely be different from this book when it comes to the plot of the individual characters.

When the first chapters are posted is still unclear but you won't have to wait long. If you are interested, I'll inform you, I promise. But more of it later.

Thank you, really. Thank you for each and everyone. You have no idea how sad I actually am. I'm really missing 'Hurt', to be honest, and I'm really missing you all. I really do. That's it. That's the end. I love you, remember this. So, maybe I'll see some of you in my new book, but if not, I wish you all the best and, god-, can't even tell you how much I'm missing you already.

Of course, I'll give credits to those who have helped me by giving me ideas, suggestions, and so on.

1. goldenflame7 (for the brilliant book cover.)
2. lolaberry00  (for giving me the idea of making (Y/N) pregnant.)

And a big big thank you for all of you! God, how many times have I said thank you? Yeah, whatever. That's it. And now it's really over.

Hurt||Draco Malfoy x Reader just finished on the Twentieth of June 2021.

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