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I'm sorry for not posting on Tuesday. I didn't feel well and I was lying in bed the whole day. But now I'm feeling much better! So, here's the new chapter.
TW: Smut (❗️)

After Harry told me what happened with the Weasley's, Draco behaved strangely. He probably doesn't want to jeopardise me. Well, that's what I think. But fact is that Draco's completely distancing himself from me and it hurts. It hurts like hell.

I was walking now through the corridors, trying to find him. "Have you seen Draco?" I questioned as I passed Charlie. "No, haven't seen him for a while, to be honest." She explained and shrugged. "Okay, thanks." I smiled and continued looking around.

"Astronomy tower." I whispered to myself and started to make my way to the Astronomy tower. When I did, I passed Ron and Lavender, and well, disgusting. I grimaced and continued walking.

"(Y/N), will you." Harry said, turning me around. "Harry, really-" - "No. Now follow me." He interrupted me and I rolled my eyes. "Harry, I have better things to do than-" - "For example having sex with Malfoy?" Harry snapped and my eyes widened.

"What are you talking about?" I questioned innocently. "(Y/N), it's obvious. Do you know what a mirror is? Now look at your neck." Harry hissed and I sighed. "He just kissed my neck. Nothing more happened." I lied and Harry rolled his eyes. "Sure." - "Harry, even if we had sex, it's none of your business." I said calmly and walked passed him.

"(Y/N), wait. I-uh, Dumbledore wishes to see us." Harry said and I turned around again. "Harry, listen. I would love to do something with Dumbledore and you, but I have to look around for Draco." I smiled and Harry sighed. "Okay, go on." He said annoyed and I started to make my way to the Astronomy Tower.

When I arrived, Draco was sitting there with his face hidden in his knees. "Draco?" I questioned softly and walked up to him. "What are you doing here?" Draco spat and looked up. Puffy red eyes. "Looking for you. Well, why are you keeping distance from me?" I replied and sat down next to him.

"I'm not keeping distance from you." He snapped and turned away from me. "Draco, please. Tell me what's wrong." - "Nothing's wrong, (Y/N). Just the fact that I put you in danger." Draco hissed out and I shook my head.

"Okay, listen. It's really getting on my nerves. You don't put me in any danger, understand? Stop acting like a baby, Draco. How old are you? Eleven?" I hissed and stood up.

"I fucking care for you!" Draco yelled causing me to back away in shock. "You expect me to leave, don't you?" - "Yeah, I do." He hissed and I sighed. "Draco-" - "Don't you understand? I don't want you to get hurt!" - "You're hurting me with keeping your distance from me." I whispered.

"Draco, listen. You can't just ignore me! I'm your fucking damn girlfriend, if you want it or not!" - "I can and I will!" Draco yelled at me and I shook my head. "Please-"

"God damn it, (Y/N). Piss off!" I gulped with tears in my eyes and took a deep breath. "You want me to go away? Fine, I'll go. But don't except me to ever help you again!" I yelled back and turned around, storming out of the Astronomy Tower.

"(Y/N), stop!" I heard but I just started to run faster. I pushed students away and entered the Girl's bathroom. "(Y/N)?" Hermione questioned and knocked softly at the door. "(Y/N), please open the door. It's me, Hermione." She added and I wiped the tears away. "No, uhm, just go and... and leave me alone, will you?" I sniffed and clenched my fists.

"Should I get Drac-" - "No. Leave him alone." I interrupted Hermione and she sat down. "Remember first year? You helped me so I'm going to help you as well." Hermione said and I smiled a little. "Yeah, crazy, isn't it?" I giggled a little and unlocked the door.

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