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It was night time. Harry was sleeping in his bed while I was sitting on my bed and thought of the mirror of erised. I wanted to find out who this person was but couldn't think of any. Then I heard a strange noise and looked out of the window. "Harry." I whispered trying to wake him up.

"(Y/N), are you alright?" He worried. "Yeah but-" a car horn honked. "Wicked." I beamed and Harry got up. "Hiya (Y/N), Harry." Ron said. "Ron!" We both beamed. "Fred! George! You guys are amazing." I whispered and they both winked. "What are you doing here?" Harry asked. "Rescuing you two, of course." Ron answered.

We both started packing and changed into new clothes. "Don't forget the owls." I pointed at Hedwig and Snowflake. "You guys forgot one thing." I said and Ron smirked. "Stand back." He said. They had a rope and tied it to the bars. In the next moment the bars were torn out of the wall with a loud noise. I'm pretty sure that the others heard that.

Harry and I shared a look and rushed to the window. We handed them our things and Harry helped me up. "Go on." He said. I sat down next to Ron and gave him a thight hug. "No, you don't!" Uncle Vernon yelled and I looked out.

"Harry!" I yelled in shock. "You two aren't going anywhere!" He continued and grabbed Harry's leg. "Get off!" Harry yelled trying to kick him off. "Drive!" Ron and I yelled. Fred pushed the gas pedal causing Uncle Vernon to fell out of the window.

I helped Harry in the car and hugged him. "Finally." I said smiling. "Thank you guys." - "No problem, dear." Fred and George said. "They really sound like us." Harry said and I giggled. "Excited?" - "What?" - "Hogwarts." Ron reminded me. "Oh yes, of course!" I beamed and smiled.

"What about you?" He smiled. "Hogwarts is bloody brilliant. And all the friends I met! I wish I could always be there." - "We wish that too." Fred and George said.

We arrived at their house. In my view it was beautiful and looked magical. We entered quietly their house and I looked around. Harry and I shared a look and smiled at each other. "I really really love magic." We both beamed. "It's not much, but it's home." Ron said and I turned to him. "It's beautiful!" I said. "I think it's brilliant."

We heard footsteps and Mrs. Weasley came in the room. "Where have you been!?" She hissed. "Harry, (Y/N). How wonderful it is to meet you two." She smiled at us. She turned to her kids.

"Beds empty! No note!! You could've died! You could've been seen!? Of course I don't blame you, dears." She finished and I smiled gently at her. "They were starving them, mum. They put bars on their window." Ron tried to explain.

"Well you best hope I don't put bars on you window, Ronald Weasley." She said causing Ron to widen his eyes. I giggled silently and she then turned to us. "Come on, (Y/N) and Harry. Time for a spot of breakfast." She said smiling. "Thank you, Mrs. Weasley." I said.

We sat down on while Mrs. Wealsey served us. I thanked her and started to eat. "Moomy, have you seen my jumper?" I looked up and saw Ginny. "Yes dear, it was on the cat." Mrs. Weasley answered. "Hey." I said, smiling at her.

"(Y/N)!" She beamed and waved. Suddenly she froze. "Hello." Harry said. Her eyes widened and she rushed upstairs. "What did I do?" Harry questioned confused. "Ginny. Been talking about you all summer. Dead annoying, really." Ron said.

I opened my mouth to say something but Harry nudged me. "Ouch, Harry!" I hissed. "Morning Weasleys!" A red haired man said. Probably their father. "Morning, Dad." The Weasleys chanted.

"What a night! Nine raids! Nine!" Mr. Weasley continued. "Raids?" Harry questioned. "Dad works at the Ministry of Magic. In the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office. Dad loves muggles, thinks their fascinating." Ron explained.

Soon, Mr. Weasley sat down as well and looked at us. "And who are you two?" He questioned. "Oh right. I'm Harry, sir. And this is (Y/N) Potter." Harry said and I smiled. "Good lord, are you really?" Mr. Weasley said in awe.

"Well, Ron told us all about you two." Mr. Weasley said causing me to giggle. "When did they get here?" Mr. Weasley questioned. Mrs. Weasley turned to him, "This morning. Your sons flew that enchanted car of yours to Surrey house and back last night." She said still in disbelief.

"Did you really? How'd it go?" Mr. Weasley questioned. I smiled at the Weasleys and they all erupted in chatter. They were stopped by the glare Mrs. Weasley gave them. "I mean-that was very wrong indeed boys, Very wrongof you." Mr. Weasley tried to be strict.

"Now, Harry and (Y/N) you must know all about Muggles." Mr. Weasley began. We both turned to him and smiled. "Tell me, what exactly is the function of a rubber duck?" He questioned us and I giggled. "Oh uhm, well, I don't really know either." I said

I suddenly felt dizzy and had a massive headache. I didn't pay attention what they were saying. I grabbed my glass and drank water. Soon I felt better and Percy handed me my Hogwarts letter. "Thank you." I tried to smile. "You alright?" Harry asked and I nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine." I answered and opened my letter.

"Harry, can we talk later? I've to tell you something." I said and he grabbed my hand. "Of course." He said and smiled at me. "The spell books alone are very expensive." - "We'll manage."

"There's only one place we're going to get all of this. Diagon Alley." Mrs. Weasley said. Harry and I shared a look and I smiled at Mrs. Weasley.

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