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The golden trio and I were walking in the train, looking for a free compartment. "We didn't mean to blow her up." - "We just... lost control." I finished Harry's sentence. "Brilliant." Ron laughed. "Honestly, Ron, it's not funny. Harry and (Y/N) were lucky not to be expelled." Hermione snapped. "I think we were lucky not to be arrested, actually." I said and Harry nodded in agreement. "I still think it was brilliant." Ron said and I turned to him with a smile.

"Come on. Everywhere else is full." Hermione said opening the door. In the compartment were a sleeping man. Ron sat down next to Hermione while I was sitting next to Harry, of course. "Who do you think that is?" Ron questioned. "Professor R.J. Lupin." Hermione answered. "Do you know everything? How is it she knows everything?" Ron wondered and I giggled. "It's on his suitcase, Ronald." Hermione pointed at the suitcase above us. "Oh." - "Do you think he's really asleep?" Harry questioned. "Seems to be. Why?" I answered. "I gotta tell you something." Harry said closing the door.

"Let me get this straight. Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban to come after you two?" - "Yeah." Harry replied. "But they'll catch Black, won't they? I mean, everyone's looking for him." Hermione said worried. "Sure. Except no one's ever broken out of Azkaban before, and he's a murderous, raving lunatic." Ron said causing me to huff. "Thanks, Ron." I said sarcastically.

Suddenly the train stopped and I looked around. "Why are we stopping?" Hermione questioned. "We can't be there yet." I added. Harry opened the door again to check what's wrong but then the train moved and Harry fell back to his seat. "You alright?" I questioned and he nodded. "What's going on?" Ron said scared and the door closed itself.

"Don't know. Maybe we've broken down." Harry said. "Hopefully not." I said grabbing Harry's hand. Suddenly the light turned off. "Ouch, Ron. That was my foot." Hermione whined. "There's something moving out there." Ron said checking the windows. I checked as well but didn't saw anything. The lights were on again and I sighed. "Can there be a normal school year, please?" I questioned and Harry nodded.

Then the lights turned off again. "Oh damn it." I whispered. "I think someone's coming aboard." Ron said looking out of the window. The train moved and Harry and I shared a look. Suddenly the windows froze as well as the bottle. "Uhm." I began and Harry squeezed my hand. The train was shaking again and my heart started to race. "Bloody hell! What's happening?" Ron whined.

Then we saw two creatures on the door and my eyes widened knowing what it was. "Please don't get in. Please don't get in." I whispered and I heard a noise. I looked up and saw two dementors opening the door. The fingers were disgustingly bony and I gulped. It got in and looked around.

When it saw me and Harry I felt dizzy and horrible like all happiness was sucked out of me. Then everything went black and I heard one last scream.

"(Y/N). Harry." I heard and opened my eyes. The train was moving again and the lights were on. "(Y/N), Harry, you two alright?" Hermione questioned and I sat up. "Mhm." I mumbled. Hermione handed Harry his glasses and he sat up as well. "Here, eat this. It'll help. It's all right. It's chocolate." Professor Lupin said handing me and Harry chocolate. "What was that thing that came?" Harry questioned and I sighed.

"It were dementors. One of the guards of Azkaban. It's gone now. It was searching the train for Sirius Black." Professor Lupin explained and I nodded. "If you'll excuse me, I need to have a little word with the driver." Professor Lupin added and stood up. "Eat. You'll feel better." Professor Lupin said and was about to left. "I'm sorry, but do we know each other somehow?" I questioned him and I saw a little smile but he shook his head. "No." He said and left.

"What happened to us?" I questioned Ron and Hermione. "Well, you two sort of went rigid. We thought maybe you two were having a fit or something." Ron explained and we both shared a look. I looked at him with disbelief and shook my head. "A-And did either of you two... you know... pass out?" I questioned still confused. "No. I felt weird, though. Like I'd never be cheerful again." Ron replied.

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