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Harry, Hagrid and I were walking at King Cross station with our luggage and owls. Some people were looking at us, probably because of Hagrid. "What are you looking at." Hagrid hissed and looked at his watch.

"Blimey, is that the time? Sorry Harry and (Y/N), I'm gonna have to leave you two. Dumbledore'll be wanting his well, he'll be wanting to see me. Now, uh, your train leaves in 10 minutes. Here are your tickets. Stick to it, kids, that's very important. Stick to your tickets."

Hagrid handed us two tickets and I looked at it. "Platform 9 3/4?" Harry questioned. "But Hagrid, there must be a mistake. These say Platform 9 3/4. There's no such thing... is there?" I asked and looked up to wait for Hagrid's response but he was gone. "Brilliant." I said.

We started walking around to find the Platform. Harry and I walked up to the train master. "Excuse me, Sir. Can you tell us where we might find Platform 9 3/4?" I asked him. "Platform 9 3/4? Do you think your funny?" The train master snapped.

"Thank you." I snapped back and he glared at me. I glared back at him and we both walked away. We saw a family of red heads and I started walking up to them. "It's the same year after year. Always packed with Muggles, of course." The red haired lady said. "Come on. Platform 9 3/4 this way!"

I shared a look with Harry and we followed them. The family stopped at platforms 9 & 10. "All right, Percy you first." The lady said. The red haired boy, who I assume was Percy, ran through the wall and my eyes widened. "Fred, you next." The lady continued. I looked at them and there were two of them. "He's not Fred, I'm Fred."

"Honestly woman, and you call yourself our mother." The twins said. They switched sentences like Harry and me. "Oh, I'm sorry George." She said and he got ready to ran through the wall. "I'm only joking, I am Fred." He finished and ran through the wall. His brother followed close behind.

I shook my head in disbelief and walked up to the lady. "Excuse me? C- Could you tell us, how to." I waited for her to finish my sentence. "How to get on the Platform?" She finished my sentence and we both nodded. "Yes, not to worry, dears. It's Ron's first time to Hogwarts as well."

I turned to see a red haired boy and smiled gently at him. "Now, all you have to do is walk straight at the wall between Platforms 9 & 10. Best do it at a bit of a run if you're nervous." She continued. "Good luck." A small girl said and I smiled at her as well.

"I go first." I said. "Fine by me." Harry said. "Coward." I said and ran through the wall. I closed my eyes and opened them again. There was a big red train with red letters that said 'Hogwarts express'. Harry came right after me and we both beamed. "Wow." I said and Harry nodded in agreement.


I was sitting in a compartment with Harry and was reading my book while Harry was staring out of the window. "Harry, this book is brilliant!" I beamed and he smiled at me. "What is it about?" He asked. "About spells." I said and took out another book. "This book is about how potions are brewed." I said and he nodded.

We was interrupted by a knock on the door. It was the same red haired boy we saw at the Platform. "Excuse me, do you two mind? Everywhere else is full." He explained. "Not at all." Harry and I said together. He sat down next to Harry and smiled. "I'm Ron, by the way, Ron Weasley." He greeted. "I'm (Y/N) Potter and this idiot is Harry Potter." I said and pointed at Harry. "So-so it's true?! I mean, do you really have the... the..." He began.

"The what?" Harry asked. "Scars." He whispered. "Oh yeah." We said and we both moved our hair to reveal the scars. "Wicked." He beamed and looked at us in awe. We both giggled and I continued reading my book. "Anything off the trolley, dears?" A lady asked. "No thanks, I'm all set." Ron said holding up a bag of sandwiches. "I'll take the lot." Harry said pulling out a hand full of galleons. "Woah." Ron beamed and I giggled.

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