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Harry and I went to the restricted section of the library searching for anything on Nicholas Flamel. He got a book off the shelf and we both opened it. The book started screaming and a face appeared. We closed it and put it away again. "I hate it." I whispered. "Hate wha-" Harry was interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Who's there?!" It was Filch. Harry and I shared a look and he grabbed his cloak causing the lantern falling on the floor. "I know you're in there. You can't hide." Filch said continuing looking for us. "Damn it." I whispered yelled and he shushed me. He put the cloak over us. Mr. Filch saw the broken lantern as he creeped around. "Who is it? Show yourself!" He yelled and we both ran out of the library.

We stopped as we saw Snape pushing Quirrell against the wall. "Severus... I-I thought..." Quirrell stutterd and I giggled. Harry nudged me and I whined. "You don't want me as your enemie, Quirrell." Snape snapped. "W-What do you mean?" Quirrell asked. "You know perfectly what I mean." Snape said and turned to us.

Harry and I immediately stopped breathing and Snape reached out tried to grab the cloak. Harry and I backed away. Snape missed and he wiped his finger to Quirrell. "We'll have another chat soon... when you've had time to decide where your loyalties lie." Snape finished.

Then Filch walked in holding the broken lantern. "You idiot." I hissed and he shushed me again. "Oh, Professors. I found this, in the restricted section. It's still hot. That means there's a student out of bed." He explained and Harry and I quickly ran away.

We went into the nearest room and U closed the door. "Harry, what is this?" I questioned pointing at a big mirror. We hold each other hands and walked up to it. Suddenly Mum and Dad appeared.

Harry and mine eyes widened and we both checked to see if it was real. "Mum?" Harry and I said together. She smiled and nodded. A tear escaped my eyes and I smiled back at them. "Dad?" We both questioned again and he nodded as well. Dad grabbed Harry's shoulder and Mum mine.

I turned around to check. "Harry." I began and we shared a look. "Ron." We said together and ran to wake Ron up. We entered the common room and I shook Ron. "Ron wake up!" I whispered yelled. I grabbed his hand and led him to the room. I brought Ron in front of the mirror and Harry and I smiled at each other.

"Look it's our parents." Harry and I beamed. "I just see us." Ron said. Harry and I stepped back and Ronald's eyes widened. "Woah." He beamed. "That's our-" - "That's me! Only, I'm head boy... and I'm holding the Quidditch cup! And bloody hell, I'm Quidditch captain too! I look good." Ron interrupted us.

Our smiles disappeared immediately. "You guys, do you think this mirror shows the future?" Ronald asked. "How can it? Both our parents are-" - "dead." I finished Harry's sentence and grabbed his hand.


Harry and I visited the mirror over the break. We both were sitting in front of it looking at our parents. "Back again, Potters?" Harry and I heard causing us to turn around and see Dumbledore.

We stood up and I tried to smile. "I see that you, like so many before you, have discovered the delights of the Mirror of Erised. I trust by now you realize what it does. Let me give you a clue. The happiest man on earth would look into the mirror and see only himself, exactly as he is." Dumbledore said.

"So, then it shows us what we want?" - "Whatever we want?" Harry and I said, alternating sentences.

"Yes and no. It shows us nothing more or less than the deepest, most desperate desires of our hearts. Now you, who have never know your family, you see them standing beside you. But remember this, children. This mirror gives us neither knowledge or truth. Men have wasted away in front of it, even gone mad. That is why tomorrow it will be moved to a new home, and I must ask you not to go looking for it again. It does not do to well on dreams, children, and forget to live." He responded.

I looked at the mirror stepped forth and smiled sadly. "I'll miss you." I whispered and a tear rolled down on my cheek. "(Y/N)." Harry said. "I'll be right after you." I said and he nodded. He walked away and I was standing in front if the mirror again. Suddenly my parents disappeared and I saw me.

I looked older and I was holding hands with a man. I couldn't see who it was because Harry cut me off, "(N/N), come." He said and I nodded. "Yes." I responded. Harry walked to his common room and said goodbye.

I entered the common room and rolled my eyes. "You're the last person I want to see today." I hissed at Malfoy who was sitting in the couch with his famous smirk. "Is that so?" He said and I walked up to him. "Stop annoying me." I snapped and he smirked even more. "Your mother deserves to die." He said and I remembered the dream.

I took a deep breath and he got up and as he did I pushed him against the table and hit him in the face. "How dare you talk about my mother like that, you ridiculous idiot." I said and his smirk disappeared. "Ridiculous idiot?" He said and I nodded.

"You heard me." I snapped and he pushed me against the couch. "You're a pathetic excuse for a Slytherin. You should have died. Nobody needs you here." Draco snapped and I felt tears in my eyes. He huffed and I got up.

"You really know how to hurt a girl." I said and wiped my tears away. "Night." I said and walked to my dorm. "Idiot." I whispered and started to cry. I laid down on my bed and took a deep breath. I slowly drifted to sleep.

"Famous Harry and (Y/N) Potter..."


"Saint Potters."


"I hate you, Malfoy."


"You filthy Half-blood."


"You deserve the hell."

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