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So, this Chapter will be a rather sad one and  contains suicide. So, if you have any problems reading such chapter, it would be better if you don't read it.
Remember that you're loved and that you're worth it. I'm here if you want to talk to someone.
Now, enjoy the chapter!
TW: Suicide

Charlie opened the door and we all widened our eyes. Blaise and Melanie. "Oh, Blaise. We have visitors." Melanie smirked evilly and Charlie shook her head. "I trusted you! I trusted you with my life, Blaise Zabini!" She yelled, walking up to them.

Draco and I were speechless and shared a look. "Fuck you! Fuck you all!" Charlie hissed, storming out of the room. "Why are you doing this to us, Melanie?" I questioned and she shrugged. "We both have something else to do than arguing with you. So, piss off."

"What's wrong with you?!" Draco snapped and Blaise started to kiss Melanie roughly. "That's disgusting." I grimaced and he shook his head. "I was really wrong about you." And with that Draco and closed the door again.

He let me down, clenching his fists. "What's wrong with him?" I questioned and grabbed his hand. "I wish I knew." Draco replied, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Come on. Leave them, they're not worth it." He finished and we both made our way to Charlie. "Are you all right, love?" Draco worried as he saw the tears in my eyes.

"It's the first time I saw Charlie crying, you know? She was always in a good mood, made me laugh when I wasn't doing well and she always smiled. Charlie is a strong person, but I never saw her that hurt." I cried out and wiped the tears away.

"Where's Charlotte?" Draco asked me as he opened the door and saw that Charlie wasn't in it. "I-I don't know." I stuttered and opened the door that led to the bathroom.

"Charlie?" I questioned softly and gulped. "She's not here." Draco mumbled, finishing his sentence with a sigh. "Draco, I'm worried. What- No." I interrupted myself and he shook his head. "Don't even think about it, darling." He smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Come on, it's-" I wasn't able to focus on him anymore. My whole body started to hurt and everything felt dizzy. I felt myself breaking down and I closed my eyes in pain.

"Charlie!" - "Look what you've done to her!" - "(Y/N)? (Y/N)!"

"(Y/N)!" Draco yelled, interrupting my vision. "Draco?" I mumbled weakly and sat up. "What happened?" - "Could ask you the same." Draco said, handing me a water bottle.

I opened it and drank out of it. "Thank you." I thanked, putting the bottle away again. "Again. What happened?" Draco questioned, pulling me closer to him.

"I had a vision, but it was different. I just heard voices and it was painful. It was like someone was torturing me and wanted me to beg for death. God, Draco, something's happening to me. My vision's became rare and they changed." I panicked and started to breath heavily.

"(Y/N), listen. Maybe they changed because you're getting older or, I don't know, but please calm down, okay? I promise you we'll find out where they come from. Even if it takes a long time, we'll find it out." Draco whispered, trying to calm me down a bit.

"Draco." I managed to say as I felt pain in my hands. "Draco, I- I-" My heart started to race and Draco said something. But I wasn't able to understand him. A scream escaped my mouth and everything started to feel dizzy again.

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