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Harry and I were in our room. Yes, we got a real room. We shared one wardrobe and we had two beds. I was amazed that they gave us a room even if that room was small. I was sitting on my bed reading the book Hermione gave me.

Harry and I were not allowed to let our owls out. Of course they made loud noises and they were getting bored. I thought of my friends. They didn't wrote us and I don't know why. I also thought of Draco.

Maybe he had changed. He isn't bad but he isn't good either. Sometimes he was really confusing me and sometimes he's nice and the next moment he gets extremely angry. Harry was on the desk flipping through the pages of the photo album.

"We can't let you out, Hedwig and Snowflake." I sighed and got up to calm her. "Shhh... We're not allowed to use magic outside the school. Besides, if Uncle Vernon-" - "Harry and (Y/N) Potter!" Uncle Vernon yelled. I looked at Harry and shrugged. "Now you both have done it." Harry snapped. "Soon we're back." I said trying to comfort him. "Yeah... Finally." We both went downstairs.

Aunt Petunia was preparing a pudding cake while Dudley tried to eat a bit.
"He's in there. Vernon?" Aunt Petunia said. We both walked into the living room. "I'm warning you two, if you can't control this bloody birds, they'll have to go." Uncle Vernon treated.

"But they're bored." I explained. "If we only could let her our for an hour or two." Harry said. "So you can send secret messages to your freaky little friends? No, sir." Vernon answered.

"But we haven't had any messages from any of our friends." - "Not one..." - "...all summer." I finished Harry's sentence. "Who would want to be friends with you?" Dudley asked rudely. "We have more friends than you could ever dream of. By the way, ears would fit your little pig tail." I spat and he walked away. "Coward." I whispered.

"I should think you'd be a little more grateful. We've raised you since you were a baby, given you the food off our table even let you have Dudley's second bedroom purely out of the goodness of our hearts." Uncle Vernon said.

I turned around and rolled my eyes. "Goodness of our hearts." I whispered mocking his own tone. Then I saw Dudley. He tried to get a bit of the cake. Aunt Petunia slapped his hand away. "Not now. It's for when the Masons arrive." She explained.

"Which should be any minute." Uncle Vernon said and I huffed. "What are we even doing here." I asked Harry and he shrugged. "Don't know." He answered and I yawned.

"Now, let's go over our schedule once again, shall we?" - "Petunia, when the Masons arrive, you will be...?" - "In the lounge, waiting to welcome them graciously to our home." She finished his sentence.

"Good. And, Dudley, you will be...?" - "I'll be waiting to open the door." Dudley said proudly. "Excellent." They all got together again and glared at us. "And you two?" He asked us causing me to roll my eyes. "We'll be in our bedroom, making no noise and pretending that we don't exist." We said together.

"Too right, you will." Vernon answered. "With any luck, this could be the day I make the biggest deal of my career and you two will not mess it up." Vernon added and I nodded. "Of course not." I said sarcastically.

We both got upstairs again and went to our room. Once I opened the door my eyes widened. There was a house-elf jumping on Harry's bed. "H-Harry." I said making space for him to see the elf.

His eyes widened as well. It turned to us, "Harry and (Y/N) Potter, such an honor it is." The elf said and bowed. "Who are you?" Harry asked. "Dobby, sir. Dobby the house-elf." He greeted. "Pleasure." - "Not to be rude or anything but this isn't a great time for me and (Y/N) to have a house-elf in our bedroom." Harry said.

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