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I'm so incredibly sorry that I didn't post anything on Sunday. It was my father's birthday and I spent time with my family, which is why I didn't come to write. I'm really really sorry. But here's the new Chapter.
Enjoy reading and stay safe!
Much love,
Your Author

"I'm not going to do that." I snapped and Charlie patted my shoulder. "They're insane." Melanie agreed and I took a deep breath.

They both hugged me and I sighed. "Good luck." Charlie smiled while Melanie looked at me with worry. "Just be (Y/N) Potter." Melanie said, sending me a short smile. I nodded and
they left the champions tent. Then I felt a note in my pocket. I took a closer look on it and shrugged.

I left my tent as well and walked up to Harry. "Nervous?" Harry questioned me. "A bit." I answered and took a deep breath. Then we heard dragons and all champions turned to where the noise came from.

"Psst." Harry and I heard. "Psst." We heard again and walked up to the entrance of the tent. "Harry, (Y/N)? Is that you?" Hermione whispered. "Yeah." We both whispered.

"How are you two feeling? Okay? The key is to concentrate. After that, you two just have to-" - "Battle a dragon." Harry interrupted Hermione. Then Hermione got in and hugged Harry. I smiled but my smile faded immediately when we all heard that someone took a photo.

I turned around to see Rita Skeeter and I rolled my eyes immediately. "Young love." She said and Harry and Hermione pulled away immediately. Rita walked up to us and pushed me aside. "How... stirring. If everything goes unfortunately today, you two may even make the front page." She said while smiling.

"You have no business here. This tent is for champions and friends." Krum said. "No matter. We've got what we wanted." Rita said and took one last photo. "You alright?" Harry questioned me. "No, she touched me." I joked and he rolled his eyes jokingly.

"Good day, Champions. Gather around, please." Dumbledore said while entering the tent. "Now, you've waited, you've wondered, and at last the moment has arrived. A moment only five of you can fully appreciate." Then Dumbledore turned to Hermione. "What are you doing here, Miss Granger?" He questioned Hermione.

"Oh, uhm. Sorry I'll just go." Hermione explained while looking at me and Harry with worry. "Barty, the bag." Dumbledore said. "Champions, in a circle around me. Miss Delacour, over here. Mr. Krum. And, Potter, Mr. and Miss Potter, over here. That's right. Now, Miss Delacour, if you will." Barty said and in the next moment she was holding a dragon.

"The Welsh Green." Barty said and turned to Krum. "Mr. Krum." Barty said and Krum and took out a red dragon out of the bag. "The Chinese Fireball." Barty said and this time he turned to Cedric. He took out a yellow dragon and I gulped. "The Swedish Short-Snout." Barty said and turned to me.

"Ms. Potter." Barty held the bag in front of me and I put my hand in. When I took my hand out, I didn't trust my eyes. I got the white dragon. "The Antipodean Opaleye. Which leaves-"Barty said and turned to Harry.

"The Horntail." Harry interrupted him causing me to nudge him. "What's that, boy?" Barty questioned. "Nothing." Harry said and got out the Horntail. "The Hungarian Horntail." Dumbledore, Harry and I shared a look and he sent us an apologetic smile.

"These represent five very real dragons each of which has been given a golden egg to protect. Your objective is simple... Collect the egg. This you must do, for each egg contains a clue without which you cannot hope to proceed to the next task. Any questions?" Barty explained and I turned to Harry.

We both shook our heads and sighed. "Very well. Good luck, champions." Dumbledore said, turning to Cedric. "Mr. Diggory, at the sound of the cannon, you may-" Dumbledore got interrupted by Mr. Filch and the cannon.

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