Chapter Thirty Two

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(NOTE- I was thinking that I might cut out some of the scene parts to speed things along and for the characters to react to the important ones, but on the other end I want to keep them in. So I'm asking as a person writing this, would you want to have the characters react to certain scenes like the Wonderland Party, the Dinner with the Beasts etc to focus on the scenes from the movie itself? I'm not 100 percent sure what to think now as I might change my mind later, but I just want to ask your opinions is all. Should I or shouldn't I?)


Hades- One of the Twelve Olympic Gods, immortal and husband of Lady Persephone, Goddess of the Spring and Queen of the Underworld,. He is a middle aged male with human peach/ white skin, messy light blue hair with the top spiked up to resemble flames, blue eyes and a thin muscle build. Since banished to the Isle by the King of Auradon and his brother Zeus simply because of doing his job, Hades mostly wears attire that correlates to the Isles residents; Dirty and tattered. His clothing is similar to that of a street punk. Not only is Lord Hades Immortal, but he controls all aspects of the dead and harvests incredible power. Some of these powers include mastery over Fire, Teleportation, control over the darkness,  shadows, souls etc.. 

He is the father of both Hadie and Mal Mauvais.

Persephone- Daughter of Demeter, one of the Twelve Olympic Gods who is the Goddess of Agriculture. Lady Persephone is the Goddess of Spring, Queen of the Underworld and wife of Lord Hades, who also happens to be her uncle. She is quite the beautiful woman with smooth caramel skin, long brown hair and same colour eyes. She normally keeps her hair in a top bun with two singular strands of hair on either side of her face. She has a slender feminine build with a little mixture of an hourglass shape. Unlike her husband, she is wearing clothing of elegance, grace and showing off who she is; A single strap long forest green Greek-style dress with golden gladiator high heel sandals. Around her waist is a dark green leather belt. hanging off her left shoulder is a shoulder style cape. Around her neck is a floral necklace with the centre being a heart shaped locket with pictures of her. Hades and Hadie inside. On tip of her head is a crown which is adorned with flowers, leaves and Pomegranates. dangling down her ears are earrings which resemble Pomegranates dangling off Ivy while around her left wrist is a bracelet made of ivy and leaves with little assortment of spring flowers. 

As the Goddess of Spring, she has control of the season itself, powers of Flowers, Plants, animals, the Earth (to an extent) and the Sun (to an extent) . As the Queen of the Underworld, she has powers similar to Lord Hades to such an extent. She is the mother of Hadie and the step-mother to Mal Mauvais. Interesting fact about Lady Persephone is that whenever she appears or wherever she goes, flowers and fruit start to grow from the ground and around her. The fruit and flowers act on her will and will react depending on how she feels. 

Like the tragic tale in history, Lady Persephone can only see her husband for six months out of the year and was forced to leave Hadie in the care of Hades because her mother, along with Zeus, didn't want 'a potential' future villain running amok in Olympus. While living on the Isle, she became somewhat of a teacher to me and a role model as she taught myself and the other kids History of Mythology, Greek, Cooking (Basics), Craftmanship, Cloth making, Botany, Medicine and the Foundations of Flowers, Plants, and Food. I learned everything I needed to know thanks to her teachings and could do what I can now because of her.

(NOTE- 19/11/2021- I apologize but I had to get rid of character portrayal. It can be whoever you want to play her

And just like mentioned, the ground and the area around her had grass with spring flower in full blooms and pomegranates dangling down from Ivy/ tree branches.

"Mom! Dad!" Hadie runs up and hugs both of his parents.

"My little flame." Persephone smiles softly and hugs her son back, "My, how much I've missed you."

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