Chapter Forty-Three

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As time passes, I decided to use the time I had before I go back to the theatre room to catch up on things as well as learn more about my family. Turns out my family, much to my complete and utter relief, is NOT related to the Olympians.

Turns out the Greek Gods love to exaggerate certain details to make themselves more powerful and to be more feared amongst mortals. Yes, I am using the term mortals since I am a God and a Mother Goddess, it's only fitting. Well anyways, the Olympic Gods were created through magic, not natural means like my family. The last thing I ever wanted to know was to have learned that I am associated with those incest-loving freaks. It would've been nice however to be related to Hades and Persephone in some way, but hey, them being godparents is better than nothing. Speaking of family, I have also learned about three more aunties who are apparent legends amongst the family with Morgana. They are Aquatica, Demonica, and Angelica.

Aquatica is known as the female Personification of the Sea, Empress of the Water, and Matriarch of the Sea. Her powers, along with Demonica's rival my mothers. The woman in question has a son who is called Storm. From what I hear about the male is that he has infinite power over the water like his mother and harvests incredible strength.

Demonica is the Personification of Hell, Matriarch of Hell and Fire, and Goddess of Destruction. Like Aquatica, Demonica's power rivals my mother's. She has a child of her own called Ravenna. From what I heard, she is a very powerful demon/ goddess who possesses knowledge of the supernatural and harvests incredible dark magic. 

Angelica is the Personification of Heaven, Matriarch of the Heavens, Archangel of the Skies, and Goddess of Light. Like mom and her sisters, she is powerful. She has a daughter called Angeline, a very powerful Goddess/ Angel who possesses knowledge of the supernatural and harvests incredible light magic.

Mom, Aquatica, Demonica, and Angelica are known as the Arcana Mystics, a quartet of very powerful magic users that can outplay even the Charmed Ones. When the four women come into play, their combined powers are said to shift the world's balance into chaos. I wonder if that would apply to Storm, Ravenna, Angeline, and I if we were to ever meet.

After learning a bit more about my family, I had a sudden crash course into learning the topic that many fear would tell me; Sex. After the sudden reveal of learning the fact that I was raped when I was just seven years old, Mom, Nona, and the Parisian gang, along with the Kwami's, sat me down and told me EVERYTHING about sex. The more I learned about what sex is along with various things of sex, everything made so much sense.

The things that I have done throughout my life in order to get money to help the people of the isle, the unspeakable degrading stuff like pole dancing, nude photo shoots, wearing revealing clothes, people touching me in ways that I sometimes find uncomfortable. Remembering what I had to do in the Mental Asylum such as instigating to others my body for things in return which ends in the person being scammed, the naked 'wrestling' at Howlers, amongst many other things...

Oh. My. Lucifer.

I have honestly had never felt so ashamed in my life. I could not believe just how oblivious I've been! If I knew the severity of the things I have done, I would never EVER have done them! I honestly don't know what to do. How can I go back there with the knowledge I have just been told? How can I go back there and look into the eyes of all the people that I grew up with? I am a sick and twisted freak!

The worst of all this is that all these sick and perverted things make me who I am today. It's what defines me as Ethan of the Isle, the Isle Angel.

I wonder how things with the others are going.

In the Theatre room

Maria White was not in the slightest bit happy. Not at all.

The white-haired girl was currently throwing anything and everything at Layla and her former friends of Auradon for the deceit and the betrayal. Alistair would have comforted her at this point and tried to calm the girl down, but the daughter of the White Queen of Wonderland ordered him, and all the Wonderlanders to comfort and consort four broken hearts, all of who decided to sit together. The rest of the VK's currently horde themselves around their allies to see if they were okay while some got their weapons out, threatening all the AK's as they tried to come close to them.

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