Chapter One

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The screen before us lights up softly as a reaction from grandma's wand while at the same time, the lights all around us dims down, creating a suitable and relaxing atmosphere one would be in to watch a movie.

However, all of us were not relaxed. Both my siblings and I, as well as the people around us tenses up and the citizens of Auradon doing the same. Now that our visibility has been lessened, I expect someone to attack. I kept my guard up just in case any fool dares try to attempt harm.

(NOTE- For the movie itself, I am going to be writing it the parody short like a script instead of a story. Hopefully I will succeed.)

A voice on the screen draws our attention, a familiar female voice.

Mal- Once upon a time, long, long ago,

"Mal, is that you?" Evie asks. The daughter of Maleficent nods, unsure why she would be narrating the film. 

"Where are you at while your narrating?" Maleficent wonders.

"I honestly don't have a clue." Mal replied.

Well, twenty years ago, Belle married her beast in front of six-thousand of their closest friends. Big cake.

Many citizens of Auradon chuckle as they remember the big day. The two villains, my siblings and I roll our eyes.

"Who could forget that day?" Evil Queen said, "It was broadcasted live."

"It was such a tremendous day." Belle sighs dreamily. Adam smiles and holds his wife close to him.

Yeah, so instead of a honeymoon, Beast united all twelve kingdoms and got himself elected King of the United States of Auradon.

"I'm sorry, but he himself got elected king?" Dad raises an eyebrow, "If memory serves me well, it was my wife's and my decision!" Adam gulps.

"Ungrateful." Mom turns to Beast and Belle, "Taking all the credit and leaving us with no appreciation for it."

"Mom. Dad. Please calm down." I plead.

"You guys didn't have a honeymoon?" Ben, Danny and Layla asks as they turn to their parents in shock.

"We had one the moment all the kingdoms were united." Belle tells them while shooting a loving look at her husband. "We needed to set up the kingdom first and clear out any problems along  the way. We took a trip around the kingdoms and then took a trip around the world."

"Your mother longed for adventure." Adam adds, "Though its best if we go back to watching."

He rounded up all the villains and sidekicks-basically all the interesting people-and he booted them off the Isle of the Lost with a magical barrier to keep them there.

"Not all villains." Maleficent said as her eyes glow. "You've missed a couple. Right over there!" She points to Aurora, Leah and Stephan.

"Excuse me?!" Leah screeches, "We are not villains."

"You clearly wouldn't be saying that if all the people of Auradon knew the truth behind the rose Leah." Evil Queen steps in, "After all, it was your husband and yourself that-"

"Let's watch the movie, yeah?" Stephan interrupts, sweating.

"I'm so, so, sorry...." I hear Aurora whisper to herself, her voice cracking with guilt.

Snow White, Jasmine, Alice, Miranda, Anita and many other women shot the Queen of Auroria and King Stephan with a sharp look. 

"Hey, we're interesting!" Audrey exclaims, offended by the insult.

Revealing the Rot in our Hearts- A 'Watching the Descendant's Movie' ParodyWhere stories live. Discover now