Chapter Three

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(The five teens walk through a hallway and open the door, revealing Ethan's bedroom; Slowly crumbling and falling into ruin.)

"Y-Y-You stayed in there?" Danny asks, overly concerned. I nod.

"My brother and I, as well as eleven of my siblings did."

"Wow..." Rafael winces, "I can still see the blood stains from when Queen of Hearts and Knave threw Two and Three against the wall before bashing their heads over and over again."

Belle, Jasmine, Snow White, Aurora, Tiana, Alice, Cinderella as well as many others, gasp and slowly turn pale as they hear the news.

"T-They would do that?!" Belle asks.

"That and more." I turn back to the screen, "You see that black ash in the corner over there? That was when Four and Six didn't do their chores. Hearts and Knave had them drowned in water a little before stapling the kids to the wall and then used Ursula's minions, Flotsam and Jetsam to electrocute them."

"Holy sh*t..." Peter, Lucas and Ashley mutter out in disbelief. 

(Ethan grabs a bag from under the bed and the others grab whatever little they could find to put in the bag. The son of the Queen of Hearts smiles putting the items in the bag along with the items he received in his pouch.)

Ethan- Thanks guys for helping me. You didn't have to.

Mal- Trust me big brother, you needn't thank us.

Evie- It's a pleasure.

Carlos- Besides, we didn't want to leave you with that brute of a woman.

"That's putting it mildly." Ben said, "'Brute' is a huge understatement."

Jay- We wouldn't have left you with her anyway.

(The Queen of Hearts stands by the doorway with her prized pig in her grasp.)

Queen of Hearts- Aw, how cute.

(The five teens turn around to see the woman by the doorway, expressing a dark malicious look, mainly towards Ethan. Mal and Jay move close to Ethan with Evie by Mal's side and Carlos by Jay's.)

"You five are definitely friendship goals." Esme said.

"I agree." Solaria smiles, "The way you four are so protective over Ethan. It's so adorable."

"You always protect the people who you care and trust." Mal said.

"Which is rare on the Isle as no one does that, unless you want something out of it." Evie said.

Evie- What do you want, Hearts?

Carlos- We are packing big brother's stuff here.

Queen of Hearts- I'm here to remind my son something. That's all.

"Oh hell no!" Mom stands up, "Ethan is my child! My son!"

"Like you can class yourself as a mother!" Belle stands up angrily and stares at the woman on the screen, "There is no way in hell am I ever going to let Ethan go near you, Hearts!"

My heart skips a beat, feeling happy that Belle said that.

She truly is one of those people that people can call a queen and a mom.

Mal- Whatever the hell you want to say to him, you can say it to us.

Jay- We are not leaving him, you hear?

Revealing the Rot in our Hearts- A 'Watching the Descendant's Movie' ParodyWhere stories live. Discover now