Chapter Thirty Five

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"Ethan..." Rafael got out of his seat and walks up to me and looks at me in concern, "You don't look alright bro."

"Now that you mention it, you don't." Catherine states as she goes to me. Juliet follows suit.

"You looking awfully pale and your sweating." She said, "And your breathing heavily."

"I'm f-fine you guys." I said but then accidently let out a scream which alarmed many others, "IT HURTS!"

"Ethan!" Mom panics and rushes to my side, "What's wrong?!"

I couldn't answer as I clutch my stomach. The pain was very bad, almost inhumane. I felt like I was on fire and feeling the embrace of death. With each passing second, the pain got worse and worse.


"Ethy!!" Danny panics and rushes at my side. He takes my hand and feels my forehead, "He's burning up."

"My stomach!" I scream out, "It hurts! It hurts so much!"

"Big brother!" Mal freaks, "We need to help him!"

"But how?!" Evie panics.

"Lets see if there is anything to cool him down!" Jay suggests.

"Good idea!" Carlos nods.

The core 4, and the other VK's immediately go to work as to find anything and everything that could help me. Mom places her hand on my stomach and her eyes widen.

"Oh no." She said, "Not again." Dads eyes widen.

"You don't mean he's about to...again?" Mom nods.

"About to what again?!" Layla asks worriedly. 

"Ethy!" Danny caresses my cheek and squeezes my hand, "Will someone please tell me what's going on?! Why is my Ethy in so much pain?"

"I-Impossible..." Persephone gasps as she realises what the problem was, "I thought I had stopped that!"

"Persephone?" Hades turns to the Queen of the Underworld, "What is going on?"

Everyone was looking at me now with worry and concern. Dr. Akira rushes to my side with  medical supplies at hand. She grabs a cloth which she dips into a glass of water that Uma and Octavia had provided before placing it on my forehead.

"W-What is happening to Ethan?" Edith asks.

"Is he okay?!" Uriah and Damon questions.

"IT HURTS! MAKE IT STOP!" I scream violently as I clutch my stomach and feel overwhelming pain in my body.

"Ethan!" Harmony, Hannah, Hunter and Claudine exclaim.


"Ethy, please calm down." Danny begs, "I'm right here for you. I'm right here..." He squeezes my hand, "Just squeeze my hand to distract yourself from the pain."


"What is happening?!" Belle gasps and tears up as she see's me in pain.

"I believe we just arrived at the perfect moment."

We all turn around to see two new arrivals standing by the doors and towards us. 


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Revealing the Rot in our Hearts- A 'Watching the Descendant's Movie' ParodyWhere stories live. Discover now