Chapter Forty-Two

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"Woah." Chloe spoke, "Where are we?"

After everyone has stepped through the portal, we all arrived at a very special place I have created from my magic. The Parisians all looked around, all mystified and spellbound. 

"Welcome to my magic dimensional fashion studio." I said, "This is where I work my magic when designing clothes, commissions, and creations of all kinds."

To the Parisian people, it was like nothing they saw before; The room itself is large, so big one could fit three factories and a few mills. Some walls reach over tens of thousands of feet going upwards, all piled with every known fabric and material of all kinds to ever exist. All the materials were alphabetized and ordered through the century as well as their origin. There was even a wall of the same height, filled with handcrafted outfits of all kinds all lined up and styled to perfections; Ballgowns, tuxedos, swimsuits, formal wear, seasonal wear, PJs, casual clothing... you name it and it was there. There was even a huge station dedicated just for the jewelry of all kinds. There was a huge table in the center of the room with all sorts of materials, blueprints, designs, sketches, etc all neatly on top. What was even grander was that there were multi floors that ascend upwards, each having its section dedicated to crafts, designing, and creating, etc.

From the artist's point of view, it was a paradise.

"This is where I go to when I need to create stuff," I said as I go over to my commission station. On three separate mannequins were the commissions for the soon to be crowned trio;

Layla's Coronation Ballgown

Layla's Coronation Ballgown

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Danny's  Coronation Tuxedo

Danny's  Coronation Tuxedo

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"Woah." Marinette gasps. Her cheeks flushed deep pink and went over to Layla's Coronation dress, "T-This is so pretty."

"So elegant." Kagami said, shocked at the gown, "Fit for a royal."

"Is this real gold?!" Chloe exclaims as she observes the dress. I nod, "Holy crap!"

"She wanted a golden royal ballgown." I said, "I thought when designing the dress in question to make things more extravagant for her by making the coronation dress is to include real gold made out of straw. The girl insisted it must be gold in regards of the dresses color."

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