Chapter Six

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Mal- You have got to be kidding me.

Ethan- I-I'm sharing a room...with girls?!

"You know," Sora turns to me, "A lot of guys on the Isle would kill just be in your shoes about now."

"Don't remind me." I grimaced, "Some of them actually have killed people."

"P-People kill each other on the Isle?" Belle asks.

"But of course." I said, "But I haven't killed anyone nor has Mal, Evie, Jay, Carlos or any of my VK friends here."

Many people sigh in utter relief, pleased to have heard that.

"Don't get to comfortable." Octavia sneers, "If things are going the way they are with you all p*ssing me and my friends off, there will be murder."


Layla- Unfortunately, due to the fact that there is an odd number of you, fitting you guys into rooms was tough. Maria and I offered to have one of you stay with us.

Ethan- But why me?!

Maria- Because your my cousin. And family has to stick together.

"Plus the fact that Layla and I have already rearranged our room and set up everything for you before you arrived." Maria said.

"Really? You went with the 'We family have to stick together' crap?" Marcus rolls his eyes.

"Such a typical Auradon cliche." Bella groans, "Can you people do anything original?"

Carlos- This girl has really lost her lid...

Jay- You only just noticed?

Evie- She's someone from Wonderland, what did you expect?

(Mal glares and storms up to Layla and Maria. She stands just inches away from the daughter of the White Queen.)

Mal-  Oh hell no lady. I don't mind big brother staying in a room with others but not with strangers!

(Doug shakes a little under the eyes of Mal. He coughs a little before stepping in.)

Doug- That's unfortunately the rules.

Jay- Couldn't you put him with us? (Motions to himself and Carlos) Or with Evie and Mal?

Maria- The decisions been made and everything is sorted.

"You know, if it weren't for the fact that you are my cousin, Mal would've seriously have done something." I said.

"W-Wow..." Maria sweat drops as she looks at Mal's face on the screen, glaring evilly at her. "I-I might have to be careful n-next time in the future."

Evie- Mal... (Goes to Mal and places a hand on her shoulder)

(Danny steps in and smile softly.)

Danny- You have nothing to fear guys. Maria and Layla are excellent people and they will look after Ethan. You have nothing to worry about.

"Speaking of doing well." Maleficent turns to me, "How have you been these days?"

"I'm doing a lot better Maleficent." I replied, "I don't have chronic nightmares that much as I had before and I only screamed in my sleep twice."

"Y-You scream in your sleep?" Melody gasps. I nod.

"Little brother..." Rafael tears up, "I'm so sorry."

"Don't be." I smile, "I'm doing better."

Mal and the rest of the VK'S however look at one another, unsure about that.

Revealing the Rot in our Hearts- A 'Watching the Descendant's Movie' ParodyWhere stories live. Discover now