Chapter Thirty Three

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(The scene kicks off with our hero and the VK's in the kitchen after night hours hard at work as they make the cookies need for their plan. Since Ethan was the only one with cooking and baking skills, the other lead him to make the cookie batter. Across the counters are a variety of ingredients, most of which are from Wonderland)

(Ethan looks over the recipe in the spellbook that is open in front of him, scanning through the list of ingredients)

Mal- (Looking at the book) All right. It says in here that we need one tear, and I never cry.

"H-How?" Lonnie asks, one of the many who didn't shoot my sister and us a dirty look.

"We have a system on the Isle where if you cry, it is a major sign of weakness and very punishable." Mal said simply.

"You cry, you die." Uma added, remembering what her mother would always tell her.

"You never, ever, show tears." Evie said, "Tears are for the weak. If you wanted to survive and not suffer a horrible beating or punishment, you never cry."

"Never let others know they got to you." Jay piles on, gulping and sweating.

"The punishments are bad." Carlos shakes in fear, "Very bad. You never let people know you cry."

"Hearts and those on association with her have a slogan which rings through the Isle- You cry and I'll give you something to cry about." I said, shaking in fear, "The beatings, the torture, t-the....ahhh!" Just remembering it fills me with dreaded terror and screaming for my life, "No, please! I'll be good!"

Rafael, Catherine and Juliet rushes over and tries their hardest to calm me down.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

"The Queen of Hearts isn't here. You are safe." Catherine assured, tone softly, "We're here for you."

"We will not let that woman sink her claws into you again. We won't allow it." Juliet adds.

"Ethan..." Rafael sniffles as he tries to hum the song he used to do for me when we were little.

"Tch. Drama queen." Ally scoffs.

"I am this close Ally to literally stabbing you!" Maria turns to the blonde holding a mini knife, "This close! Don't f*cking test me, bitch!"

Majority of the adults and the teens couldn't help but look at the Isle kids and the son of the Empress and Emperor worriedly by what they have revealed. The daughter of Mulan and Shang could see the pain in Tristan's eyes and what she saw was something she couldn't believe. Horror, sadness, pain...

"Only a few don't punish their kids in such a manner." Marcus spoke, shaking for dear life, "And they are here in this room."

"So before you even dare as to look at Maleficent, Grimhilde, Hela, Medusa, my grandfather, Yen Sid, Travis and Circe, think carefully." Bella cries out, "Because they are the best adults on the Isle.

Anita turns to her husband and son, both of who had the same right mindset. They knew that it wouldn't just do to get Carlos, and in Brian's case Diego, to get them for the holidays- They want to get them off that forsaken Isle if it was the last thing they did. And they weren't alone on that matter- Snow White, Ferdinand, Merida and the other Queens and kings were thinking the same thing.

"Son." Mom spoke, "Could I ask you a favour?"

"S-Sure." I managed to calm down and turn to her, "W-What is it?"

"I'd like to have a list with all the names of the children you can think off and give it to your father and I so we can get them off the Isle."

"We are getting them off effective immediately." Dad adds. I smile.

Revealing the Rot in our Hearts- A 'Watching the Descendant's Movie' ParodyWhere stories live. Discover now