Chapter Sixteen

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(NOTE- I may have altered the scene a little but hopefully it won't bother people too much.)

(The scene starts with the morning sun rising up from its sleep, glowing a gentle orange glow upon the horizon. Ethan opens his eyes and looks at the clock seeing that its four in the morning. With a quiet yawn, the boy prepares his day. He gently takes Danny's arm which was holding him and silently gets out of bed. He gets out of bed and see's a sewing machine on his desk. Ethan smiles as he goes over to it)

"We're about to see how Ethan does the outfits." Layla said happily. "I'm dying to see this."

"How come?" I ask, "It's just me on a machine. Nothing impressive or special."

"Are you kidding cousin?" Maria raises her eyebrow. "We are about to see how you develop top quality clothes in such a small amount of time. This is history in the making."

"Finally, we will have the answers behind Ethan's mysterious fashion skills." Ashley said with enthusiasm. 

"I'm actually quite curious about it as well." Ben said, "No top designer can just create clothes in such a small time frame."

"It's awesome!" Dizzy said. "He's like a superhero with a sewing machine!"

Ethan- Silentium.

(A magic circle appears in between the boy and the item which then moves, latching itself onto the machine a split second later. With satisfaction, Ethan snaps his fingers and conjures up multiple fabrics)

"That could save me so much money." Evie said. "You got to teach me how to conjure stuff like that big brother."

"I would, but conjuration is a lot trickier than you would expect it to be." I turned around to face her. "It takes strong magic stamina and visualisation."

"But you managed to do it without practice." Layla  said.

"That would be because Wonderlanders have a high creative vision." Maria replied. "Those with the blood of Wonderland have a high creative mindset than those who are normal. That's why my cousin is able to conjure stuff out of the blue with no problems."

"I see..."

Many girls and adults hold their breath in suspense as they are about to witness what they say is 'A historical moment about to happen.'

(Ethan sits down and grabs a fabric before going to work. Like magic, his hands begin to move all about at lightning speed, almost inhumane like. The scene shows Ethan's hands move so frantically that one would mistake Ethan having multiple hands. The machine slowly spits out various clothing in different fabrics, shoes, bags and all sorts. He conjures up some wrapping paper and which appears next to him)

"Woah..." Many people gasp.

"Awesome!" Maria squeals.

"So that's how Ethy does it." Danny said as he looks at the screen in a small trance. "Incredible."

"I wonder if we can get Ethan a scholarship or move him to the advanced Fashion classes." Fairy Godmother muses, "I've never seen someone perform such a feat."

"I taught him everything I know." Grimhilde smirks.

I can hear the whole theatre awing and gasping at the screen, entranced and amazed by the screen version of me performing such a thing at rapid speed.

(The scene slowly shifts to the clock on the wall where the hands speed up by ten minutes, then moves back to Ethan who smiles as he ties a ribbon on a present. He takes the box as well as many others towards the other end of the room where Ben and Jay are. Both boys fast asleep)

Revealing the Rot in our Hearts- A 'Watching the Descendant's Movie' ParodyWhere stories live. Discover now