Chapter Forty-Five

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(NOTE- I included an extra scene with Evie, Doug and Mal from the movie for movie purposes to focus on other characters. In addition, for the purposes of time lines, in the movie, I will be sticking to Emilia's name as Maria, while in the reaction segments she will be referred to as her true name Emilia)

(The scene directs to Evie's point of view where she, Doug, and the girl squad, all sit around a picnic table having lunch. Evie gleams as she she looks at her paper and smiles in accomplishment. She walks behind Doug and places her test paper in front of him with a B+ written on the top)

"That's my little girl!" Grimhilde gleamed in joy, "I'm so proud of you." She hugged Evie happily. Despite the malicious hatred the girl was feeling in her stomach for Doug as she see's her past self being all lovey-dovey with him, Evie couldn't help but enjoy the praise from her mother. She hugs back.

"Thank you mommy." She said.

"Go Evie!" Dizzy chimed, a big grin on her face for the blue-haired girl who was practically an sister/mother role model.

"I knew you could do it." Mal said with a smirk.

"That's our Evie!" Carlos and Jay said in unison.

"That's my little sister." I said, "I am so proud of you Evie."

"That's my sister!" Melissa hollered. The other Isle kids clapped and all said their congratulations to Evie for her grade.

"T-Thank you Big brother." Evie blushed, "Thank you everyone!"

On the opposite side of the theatre room, Snow White smiles a little, happy for her younger step-sister. The woman was happy to see the girl doing so well.

"I wonder," Cedric mused aloud, "Would you're science teacher give you an A if he hadn't have done what he did?"

"I doubt it." Ryan crossed his arms, "I should know. I was a student of his last year before I got homeschooled. He is a misogynistic asshole that only gives A's to those of high calibre and those who sucks up to him like dogs."

"That explains why Chad passes." Anthony snickered. Chad growled maliciously.

(Evie lovingly wraps her arms around Doug and smiles)

Evie- For the first time, It's like I'm more than just a pretty face.

Doug- (Laughs) A shocker, huh? 

(The blue haired girl lets go and sits next to him)

Evie- You were pretty great in there.

Doug- So were you.

"Seeing me like this is sickening." Evie muttered under her breath in disgust, "Shouldn't have bothered with..."

"Come here." Mal pulled her bestie/sister into a hug.

"Thanks M."

"You're welcome E."

Doug glances at Evie from afar and frowns sadly. He so desperately wants to talk to her, apologise profusely for what he has done and beg her for forgiveness, but it wasn't the right time. Besides, there was no way now he was going to come close with a very angry mob of VK's, a vicious broken hearted dark angel, vengeful wonderlanders and a mother that has powers of alchemy on her her side. 

Evie- I bet I can get an A on the next test.

Layla- Well, with your brains, its a sure possibility.

"And since that pig won't be teaching at that school anymore." Aunt Miranda huffs in disgust.

"I'm still going to have a chat with him." I crossed my arms, "I will track him down hard if I have to."

Revealing the Rot in our Hearts- A 'Watching the Descendant's Movie' ParodyWhere stories live. Discover now