Chapter Seven

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(Ethan and the girls walk into Carlos and Jay's room where they see Carlos playing a video game and Jay was surrounded by what appears to be other people's belongings.)

"Stealing is against the rules in Auradon Prep." Fairy Godmother tells Jay. "You will have to return those items to their rightful owners."

"In his defence headmistress," Carlos turns to her, "We weren't told the rules of the school and what to follow. All we have been told of is curfews."

"And even that wasn't explained to us." Mal adds, "We didn't know what they are or anything regarding times to be in our dorms."

"Shoot." Layla facepalms, "I knew there was something we have forgotten."

"We were too busy with the welcoming that we have forgotten important information." Ben said, "We apologise deeply for that."

"Don't be." I shrug, "Besides, if Fairy Godmother wanted us to follow the rules, she should've told us that when she met us instead of depending on you or your siblings to." 

Fairy Godmother wince at that and frown a little, knowing that I'm right.

"Could it kill you guys to at least print out a copy of the rules and give it to us?" Evie asks, "Or a pamphlet?"

(Ethan sits on the edge of Jay's bed, next to the stuff stolen. One item in particular catches his eye as it shines a light. Turning around slightly, he see's a light blue phone moving a little. On the front it flashes-New Message.)

"How dare you!" Chad fumes, "That's my phone!"

"You should've kept that in a secure place if you didn't want it stolen." Jay said.

Ethan- Hey Jay.

Jay- Yes big brother?

Ethan- Who did you steal this from?

Jay- From this guy that was being a douche-bag earlier. I believe he said his name was Chad Charming.

Ethan- Interesting. 

I wave my hand to grandma, signalling for her to stop the movie for a second.

"Before we continue," I turn to the many people, "Does anyone like to confess to anything?" I glance to Audrey for a second, "Anything at all?" Danny, Ben and Layla knew what I am doing as they turn and glare.

"Yes," Ben said, "Does anyone like to share anything?"

"Something dark perhaps?" Layla questions. "Something that needs to be shared about now?"

Audrey begins to sweat a little and so did Chad. Danny tilts his head, creating a creepy look.

"What's wrong Audrey and Chad?" Danny asks, "You both are looking a little pale and your sweating. Have you two got a secret perhaps that you'd like to share? Or something that your hiding from us?"

"Chad?" Cinderella and Kit Charming turns to their son.

"Audrey?" Aurora, Philip, Leah and Stephan turns to the girl.

"I-I-I uh...." Audrey stutters, "I-I have nothing to hide!"

"N-N-Nothing at all!" Chad chimes in, equally as guilty sounding, "Y-You have nothing on us." I smirk.

"Do continue grandma." I said, "But allow me to warn you all a little. What you are about to see will indeed shock you. I'd also advise for those who have small children to cover their eyes."

"W-What does that mean?" Rafael wonders.

"Interesting..." Bella and Octavia muse.

"What are we waiting for?" Solaria asks, "Let's see!"

Revealing the Rot in our Hearts- A 'Watching the Descendant's Movie' ParodyWhere stories live. Discover now