Chapter Thirteen

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Layla- Come in, come in!~ Glad that you four could make it.

Evie- Thank you for allowing us to stay here for the night.

(The four VK's walk into the room, Jay being the last one to enter before Layla closes the door. Mal looks around to see there are more people then mentioned. Her eyes stop at Danny, holding Ethan in his hold)

"And here comes Mal's protective nature kicking in." Maria chimes.

"Well, could you blame me?" Mal looks at her, "What would you have done if you saw someone you are heavily concern for, in a position like that?"

"She makes a good point." Maleficent cuts in, "To Mal, she was worried for her brothers safety. After all, to her you and all the Auradon kids in the room are still strangers."

Mal- What the hell are you doing Danny?!

Maria- C-Calm down Mal.

Mal- Calm down? Do you not see what I see?! He is touching my big brother very intimately and half naked no less!

Evie- I think its adorable. They look so cute together.

"Of course you would." Jay rolls his eyes.

"What did you expect of Evie?" Carlos turns to him, "She's a hopeless romantic at heart and known for her meddling affairs when it comes to the matter of love."

"You like to match make people too?!" Cynthia, daughter of Aphrodite, asks with her eyes gleaming.

"I do yes." Evie gushes, "I love it so much!"

"Would you like to join the Matchmaking Club?" Cynthia asks Evie. The Blue haired girl lights up and giggles.

"I'd love to." She replied.

"Hooray!" the matchmaking girl gleams, "I have another shipper!"

"I dear lord." Ben mumbles, "Cynthia is a demon when it comes to love and loves to pair people up."

"Especially when it comes to Valentines day." Doug said, "Now that Cynthia's got another shipper and assistant, all hell will break loose."

Jay- Enter your dreamland another time Evie. It hasn't been a full day and a stranger is latched onto big brother!

Danny- He's just so adorable. And perfect... (Mal facepalms) 

Mal- Oh Lucifer...

(The scene slowly moves to Peter as his eyes lock onto Carlos. The son of Snow White smirks a little and goes over to the young boy)

Peter- Hi Carlos, good to see you.

Carlos- H-H-Hi Peter. G-G-Good to see you again. I didn't know you'd be here.

Peter- It seems that fate has a good sense of humour. Nevertheless, I look forward in getting to know one another, dear Carlos.

"Aww they look so cute together." Snow White awes as she looks at her son and the son of Cruella on the screen. She loves how her son and a child of the Isle are interacting.

"They really do, don't they?" Anita said with a soft smile.

"Peter definitely takes after his father." Rodger comments.

"While Carlos on the other hand is nothing like his mother." Ferdinand observes, "He kinda reminds me of Snow when we first met."

"I was actually thinking the same." Snow White said.

Revealing the Rot in our Hearts- A 'Watching the Descendant's Movie' ParodyWhere stories live. Discover now