Chapter Twenty Six

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(NOTE- 24/9/2020 changed Gillian's name as I just discovered is a girls name lol. His name now will be changed to Damon. Sorry for the sudden change if you were wondering why a persons name has been changed)

(The scene changes to Evie's POV with Layla, Solaria, Maria and Ashley pulling her to the side. Tati, Andrea and Esme are present, but just a little distance away. The girls are currently just outside the classroom with Chemistry 102 on the front of the door)

Layla- (Turns to Tati and Esme)  You girls go on ahead. I need to have a brief conversation with Evie here on what to expect in this class.

"What was that class, if I may ask?" Grimhilde asks with concern.

"It was Chemistry, lady Grimhilde." Layla replied respectively earning a courteous nod back, "We had Mr. Deley who was the head of the Chemistry department." I growled by that name.

"Mr. Deley..." From what Evie and the girls had told me about him, he was nothing but trouble. And they were absolutely right.

When I heard what he wanted to do, lets just say that the school should be lucky it wasn't on fire or in ruins.

Tati- Don't take too long. You know what the teachers like with students.

"That's an understatement." I hear one student mutter in distaste.

"Glad he got fired." Another agreed.

Maria- Don't remind us. Mr Deley... I hate that snob.

Aunt Miranda from the looks of things has had run ins with the teacher and not pleasant ones as the woman shudders in utter disgust. Mom and Dad try to calm her down while the others around her look at Miranda with concern.

"That vile, disgusting, egotistical, horrid, excuse for a man." Aunt Miranda spat.

Andrea- You're not the only one. He is such a-

Esme- (Pulls Tati and Andrea) Now's not the time. We have to go.

(The two girls nod and the three head inside the classroom)

Evie- Who's Mr. Deley?

Ashley- He is the head of the Chemistry department and the our teacher in chemistry. He is one of the biggest assholes in this school and very judgemental on people by their appearance, accent, views and such forth.

"And you allow such a person to teach at your school?" Aunt Faragonda questions.

The Fairy Godmother lowers her head down and doesn't answer. She has had many complaints from the students regarding the teacher in question but sadly could not do anything as there wasn't any physical proof as a means to fire him.

Solaria- Word of warning, he will be watching you Evie because your a child from the Isle. He will make sure to embarrass you every chance he will get.

"When I get my hands on that man in question..." Maleficent had to refrain her best friend as she could see the various thoughts spiralling around the woman, ways of disposing the teacher from the planet.

Needless to say I too share the former Evil Queens sentiment as I too am thinking ways of getting rid of Mr. Deley.

Evie- I know how to handle guys like him. I've dealt with many people who think they can judge me based on what I can do, but people forget there are two sides to the story.

Layla- (Sighs) Rumour has it that Mr. Deley is plotting ways in order to get all the Isle kids booted back to the Isle. I also have numerous reports of him harassing and verbally embarrassing his students in his classes. If we can just get him to do it and have it recorded...

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