Chapter Fifteen

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Once grandma paused the movie, the whole theatre goes into complete and utter hysteria. The royals jump out of their seats and storm their way to Stephan and Leah who were trying to make their getaway, but alas that was indeed futile. Try as they must, they found nothing but dead ends. Once the two got themselves into a corner, Adam grabs Stephan by the collar and slams him back to the nearest wall while Leah was restrained by Rapunzel who used her hair as binds and Mulan who grabbed her sword before pointing it at the elder woman's neck.

"You. Owe. Us. Some. Answers." The current king of Auradon fume.

"And before you attempt to lie your way out of this, allow me to tell you this." Granddad looks down at the man, "What we are seeing on the screen are memories from the users the spell has been cast on. The magic that is used is a special form of Light magic that allows one to see into the hearts of a person and play it out. No matter how one tries to hide their memories, the magic can instantly detect them and drag them into light."

"Tch." Leah spits out in disgust.

"Now start talking!" Adams hold on Stephan's collar begins to tighten as the man slowly turns blue due to lack of oxygen. "I want the truth about what we saw!"

"I-I'm...not... telling you guys....anything..." Stephan said, cackling softly.

"Why you-!"

"Enough!" We turn to see Aurora shaking and crying. "Whatever you want to know, ask me. I'll tell you guys everything, I promise."

"No more lies and secrets?" Belle raises an eyebrow and her fist scrunched tight.

"Nothing but the complete and utter truth." Aurora said. "J-Just please.... let my father go." Adam lets go of Stephan causing him to fall to the ground. The old man gasped as he feels air returning.

All our attention now is focused on the distressed blonde beauty. I can tell her legs were losing their strength as she was barely standing in place. Luckily for Aurora, Philip is by her side, helping her up.

"W-What was shown on the screen is all true. What Ethan has told is all true." Aurora starts, "Stephan was indeed a thief and a commoner, living in the local village of Auroria. When a decree was issued regarding the dark faerie and the kingdom at war, my father wanted to partake in it. He went to the King Henry's Castle and persuaded the king and his daughter, Leah, that he would successfully kill Maleficent and bring her wings back as proof. Stephan wanted to do this so he could prove himself and for the incentives as money, honor, fame, status and Leah's hand in marriage. Once he persuaded my grandfather, my father went to the forest of the Moors, broke into her territory and met Maleficent who caught him stealing a jewel from her land. After the two talked, they went on as friends as one would say."

"But that no doubt turn to be a big fat lie." Mal sneers.

"I'd watch your mouth child." Philip said.

"No dear, Mal is right. Mal has every right to feel this way so does her mother for that fact." Aurora said before continuing. "My father decided to lower her guard by befriending her and act like he was interested in Maleficent. The plan was slow but it managed to succeed on the day of Maleficents birthday where he made her a picnic. Maleficent had no clue but was grateful for the generous and kindness offered. The two had a picnic under a full moon. Father offered the dark faerie a drink which sadly had powerful drugs mixed in. Once Maleficent digested the drink, the drugs kicked in and Maleficent was knocked unconscious."

"And that's where he grabs his knife to chop off her wings." Fairy Godmother adds, fuming.

"T-That is correct." The VK'S, minus Mal and I, gasp and growl.

Revealing the Rot in our Hearts- A 'Watching the Descendant's Movie' ParodyWhere stories live. Discover now