Chapter Two

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(The scene escalates as the towns people run away in terror, screaming at the top of their lungs. The five teens turn around to see a group of guards along with a pair of horns sticking out.)

(Maleficent Enters the scene with her stooges for guards.)

Mal- Hi mom.

Maleficent- Stealing candy Mal? I'm so disappointed.

"Looking back on it now, it was so unlike me to do something like that." Mal said. "I could've done a lot better."

Mal- It was from a baby.

"How is that supposed to be better?" Ashley asks.

"The more innocent, the better." Mal said.

"If you are to survive, you must pick on the weakest of the weak." Maleficent explains.

Maleficent- That's my nasty little girl.

(Maleficent snatches the lollipop from her daughters hand, spits on it, holds it under her arm and hands it over to the woman of the child.)

Give it back to the dreadful creature.

"That's disgusting." Leon grimaces. 

"One would be lucky to have something to eat, no matter where or what happened to it." I said, "You get what you are given and you don't make a fuss."

Mal- Mom...

Maleficent- It's in the deats Mal, that makes the difference between mean and truly evil! When I was your age, I was...

Mal and Maleficent- Cursing entire kingdoms!

Mal- I know that, and I'll do better.

"And now you don't have to kiddo." Maleficent smiles at her daughter. Mal smiles back.

"Thanks mom."

"What's gotten into her?" One woman asks as she looks at the Mistress of Evil.

Aurora gives Maleficent a side glance and smiles softly at the interaction.

Maleficent- Oh, there's news! I buried the lead! You five have been chosen to go to a different Auradon.

(The five gasp in horror. Evie, Jay, Carlos and Ethan tries to get away, with the son of Queen of Hearts nearly succeeding before a guard pulls the boy by the back of his top and pulls him back with force.)

"You guys did not want to come to Auradon?" Layla asks.

"To a place where no matter what what we do, we will be hated and abused because of who our parents are?" Jay raises an eyebrow, "Of course we wanted to go." He said the last part with sarcasm.

"Well I'm glad you did." Solaria giggles.

(Ethan raises his leg forward before swiftly moving it back. He kicks the guard in the knee, causing the man to wince.)

"Nice kick." Lucas compliments. I smile.

"Thank you."

Ethan- Never. Touch. Me. Again.

Female voice- Well, well, well, lookie here.

"That voice..." Mom snarls.

"Who can forget that icy tone?" Rafael snarls. I turn to see Dad shaking a little.


(They all turn around to see the Queen of Hearts, enter the scene.)

Many citizens of Auradon gasp and scream in terror as they see the Queen of Hearts.

Revealing the Rot in our Hearts- A 'Watching the Descendant's Movie' ParodyWhere stories live. Discover now