Chapter Twenty

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Standing in front of the entrance doors of the theatre are a hoard of people, one or two in which I can instantly tell by their appearance and aura they are giving out. They gaze upon the room and then towards Ally who gets up from the ground and stares at the one responsible. 

I must admit, out of the new arrivals, she's the tallest and boy did she look regal, elegant and stunning. One could definitely tell she was a royal.

The lady in question has long light yellow strandy hair and skin as fair as Snow White. She has alluring bright green colour eyes that sparkles like Emeralds and soft lips. Her attire is that of a regal; A large dress with big  sleeves and large bottoms with a single layer dashed towards the left with primary light blue and secondary white colours. Her large sleeves on her upper arm areas are tired down by two ties and wears a magenta corset around her waist area. On her head, she wears two red earrings and head jewellery all fasten on a heart-shaped gem. Finally, she wears a princess-style hat with a tiara on the front and a white veil on top that dangles behind her. In her left hand, she wields a long sceptre bedazzled with jewels of different kinds.

"I will ask one more time," Ally holds the blade she holds and aims it at her. "Who the hell are you?!"

"Ally!" Alice exclaims angrily. The blonde lady in question looks at Ally with a poised firm look. She grips on her sceptre and takes a small breath.

"I am someone you really don't want to take likely, little girl." The woman said. Her voice sounds so warm, friendly and motherly, like moms but hers had a lace of sweetness to it. "I am Jewelina Angelica Dragonia, one hundredth child of the Dragonia family and Queen of the Jewel Land dimension." She introduces.

'T-That stunning woman is my auntie?!' I thought to myself in shock. I look around to see many people having the same thoughts as I as their mouths literally drop open and gasp.

"W-Wow..." Freddie, Octavia and Bella gulp. She looks over to me and emits a happy aura.

"I'm so happy to meet you nephew." She greets. "We have so much to catch up on."

"Nice to meet you too." I bow to show respect. 

"No need to bow young one. We are family after all."

"Oh, so another one of the monsters freakish relatives." Ally rolls her eyes. Jewelina looks back at Ally and looks at her with a neutral expression, containing her anger. 

"The only monster I see before me is not my nephew, but the one with the knife. You honestly think I would allow such a disgrace come anywhere near my family?"

"Oh please, like you can harm me."

"Um, she literally just threw you across the room." Circe sweat drops, "And besides, you really don't want to get big sis mad. She's the number one Enchantress in the world and holds the title of 'Magic Angel'. If you thought I was strong, boy have you not seen Jewelina in action."

"I agree, and I'm a gorgon." Medusa adds as she shivers slightly.

"I'd watch what you say to auntie." A second female said to Ally, she giggles as she holds a wooden bat with 'Good night' on it. "Or any of us really. I'm dying to smash that ugly face of yours!"

Now this woman sounded cynical yet funny, almost like a clown in a way. Her blue coloured eyes locked onto Ally like prey and a huge sadistic grin that to me can only mean trouble.

She is an attractive young woman with pure blonde hair that is tied up in long pig tails. On the left pigtail the hair has died blue tips while the right side has pink dyed tips. Her outfit consists of a baseball-style jersey shirt that says "Daddy's Lil' Monster", fishnet leggings below red and blue sparkly shorts, black and white stiletto boots, and a glittery Letterman-esque jacket with the words- Bad Bitch. Around her neck is a punk collar with mini spike studs.

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