Chapter Ten

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(The scene fixates on Mal as she stares at the statue of her mother. The girl slowly walks forward and music begins to play in the background, but Mal gives no sign that she notices.)

"Where is that music coming from?" Solaria questions.

"I...honestly don't know." Mal replied.

"Let's see what's gonna happen, yes?" Evie suggests. She has always wondered what Mal was doing during the time of their search and it seems she is finally going to get them.

(Maleficent's voice echoes throughout her mind. The girl is reminded of the last thing the woman had said before the departure.)

Maleficent- The Future of the free world is on your shoulders. Don't blow it.

"Poor Mal." Fairy Godmother said, "So much pressure to put on a child."

"I understand that you wanted Mal to succeed, but that is a little scary don't you think?" Grimhilde asks.

"That sounded a little like a threat Evergreen." Mom adds, sighing sadly.

"I'm more than regretting that day as it is." Maleficent said, "I don't need you lot reminding me."


Look at you, look at me 

I don't know who to be, Mother.

Is it wrong? Is it right? Be a thief in the night, Mother

"You were struggling with what to do, weren't you?" Ben asks.

"I wanted my mom to be proud of me, yet," She holds her hands to her chest, "I was finding it hard to contemplate. I did want to steal the wand but at the same time, there was something telling me not to."

Many royals, both born and married into, look at the girl and gave a soft smile. The dark faerie smiles and sighs in utter relief.

"I always knew you were good Mal." Ben kisses Mal on the cheek, "I knew it."

Tell me what to do...

"Follow your heart Mal." Maleficent whispers.

(Mal turns around slightly around and is about to leave, when the statue of her mother comes to life. A terrifying laugh fills the room.)

Queen Leah and King Stephan scream at the top of their lungs, that we all need to be wary of us villains.

"Shut up!" I yell, scrunching my fist once more. I channelled the air around them, creating some sort of air hold on their throats to cut them from screaming.

"Thank the lord." Adam sighs happily.

"Any second and I would've done something myself." Dad chuckles. Rafael turns to the Beauties.

"If Maleficent truly have left the Isle, she wouldn't be wasting it in a museum."

"Duh!" Blaze cackles, "What are you guys, dumb or simply thoughtless? Maleficent would be causing havoc and causing despair."

"I agree." Aurora chimes in, shocking everyone, "She wouldn't be wasting her time if she was free. I should know, I've known her for a long time."

"Long time?" Belle tilts her head, "But nowhere does it mention in your story about you knowing Maleficent. The only connection you had with the dark faerie was when Maleficent cursed you when you were but an infant."

"Well..." Aurora looks away, afraid. "Life is like a book as you have always told me. There is two sides to every story."

I release my hold of the adults and they slowly slump in their seats, catching their breath.

Revealing the Rot in our Hearts- A 'Watching the Descendant's Movie' ParodyWhere stories live. Discover now